Fox News contacted 400 Columbia University students from the period when Obama claims he was there, but none remembered him. Some in the US Congress were afraid of the RACE CARD and said as much when people from MCSO Arizona showed them EVIDENCE OF BERRYS FRAUD saying there might be RACE RIOTS if we question obamas right to hold office ! Your email address will not be published. Akce tdne. Obama attended Harvard and left with a Juris Doctor degree. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Obamas parents Divorce Decree, Stanley Ann Soetoro, Lolo Soetoro, Child custody, Obama Indonesian, Obama not natural born citizen, Obama born inKenya? A husband, father, grandfather, marathon runner, and former Marine, Dr. McCusker has authored Conversation: Striving, Surviving, and Thriving; Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama: Identity and Racial Hypocrisy in America; Don't Rest in Peace: Activity-Oriented, Integrated Physical and Mental Health, and Justifiably Paranoid: Resisting Intrusive . Whether or not this photo is fake is yet to be proven. Aaron Russo on Rockefeller Wanting to Chip Everyone, The Tried To Warn Us Lost Video From 1947, Not So Trusted Voices Mainstream Media is LYING to You, Phony Trials for Phony False Flags Need Phony Courtrooms, Uvalde TX School Shooting Zero Obituaries, Arapahoe FAKE Victim Claire Davis ALIVE and Well, Oregon Community College Shooting Hoax Duping Delight, Spokane Freeman School Shooting Hoax Duping Delight, Oregon Mall Shooting Hoax Victims Never Born, San Bernardino Massacre: A lie, hoax, false flag, staged shooting, Dayton Ohio Shooting News Posted Before it Happened, Texas Uvalde School Shooting HOAX Parents, Tehama School Shooting Hoax Crisis Actor Rehearsing Lines, Virginia Tech FAKE Massacre Actor Shooter ALIVE in 2015. Help us fight back and subscribe to our newsletter so that you can stay up-to-date with everything Facebook doesnt want you to see! FYI No Idea From Ed Hale chat- The Dark Past of Barry Soetoro (AKA Barrack Obama). Warrantonegirls Blog-Asil, Pingback: Barrys First Executive Order; Concealing his records Imagine That! To borrow from Black Conservative Patriot on youtube "documentation beats conversation". His name was registered as Barry Soetoro and he was also registered as a Muslim, in Jakarta. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The problem is the US Congress ignored US Constitutional law Article ll Section 1 Clause 5 and let RACE TRUMP THE US CONSTITUTION in 2008 and again in 2012 ! Why? Dear FBI, here's my (self) Assessment: "Target believes that FBI is a pack of tards who can't do the job. Americas 44th President, Barrack Hussein Obama, the only president to be born outside the contiguous 48 states is a hot topic for President Trump at the moment, the hashtag OBAMAGATE has been trending as the Russian collusion and Flynn unmasking fiasco shows the Obama administration had corrupt ways and means of trying to get their desired outcome. The image from which the fake Obama ID image was created belongs to Thomas Lugert, who posted his college ID in an article entitled, My study of the English Language at Columbia University inNew York Cityfrom Juli 20, 98 August 14, 98. The scan of his ID card has the same card number, and even the same shadowing in the scan as seen on the fake Obama ID. Susan Blake, another high-school classmate, said that during a brief visit in 1961, Dunham was excited about her husbands plans to return to Kenya. The politicians, likewise. Because when his step daddy died, he was one of the 10-15 richest men on Earth and he left everything in a trust fund, operating out of Indonesia, . No. The cards were first issued on March 1, 1996. * Not eligible,but was elected. He obtained a US passport in 2003 as Barack Obama when he became a US senator as a requirement for going on fact-finding missions. Barry Soetoro could maintain an Indonesian passport obtained in 1970, renewed in 1975 and again in 1985 (valid till 1995) on which it was possible to make trips to Pakistan/Indonesia in 1971, Kenya in 1978, and to Bali, Indonesia in 1993 and to Kenya ca. Start learning. Is this a hoax or not? The audio is from a true Patriot, a Vietnam Vet from Arizona. Books about Barry Soetoro (a.k.a. Also, it is proof his mother was married to Obama Sr eliminating a possible loophole being mulled about an unmarried American citizen abroad giving American citizenship to her child. It has been my contention all along that he is still an Indonesian citizen. According to his records, he is a citizen of . If you dont see a commenting section below, please disable your adblocker. hmmmm. Im not ready to buy in to your complete set of details, but I have some definite encouragement for you: 1. I constantly see Barrack Obamas mother referred as Stanley Ann Dunham. That's cool, but I wouldn't trust that cat for a second. 1970) Yusuf Aji (b. AMERICANS.. have to clean out every illegal without current and active green cards,,,, I said AMERICANS NOT THE CORRUPT MILITARY OF THE PAST 5O YEARS. In 1971 Barry was sent to live with his Grandparents back in Hawaii, and they at the time were known communists. Create a free website or blog at them a foothold to hoist themselves back up on. Either that, or it was similar to the Kenyan citizenship, in which when he turned 18 years old, he automatically lost the Indonesian citizenship but continued to hold the U.S. citizenship. ALERT: Another Obama Official Headed To PRISON LOOK At What He Did! The marriage was a sham and it is certain that Madelyn and Stanley Dunham were complicit in this whole affair they supplied the funds for Ann Dunham to live on. This is probably a short list of many who invested in Obama and inspired him, who elses help did he enlist in order to get himself into the White House? They may want to search Stanley Armour also. Jonathan Martin: 206-464-2605 or, There are NO pages missing and the 1st District Court in Honolulu, Hawaii was defintely open today, as Mr. Bergs office spoke them on a different matter.. January 17, 2021 by Cynthia. Soetoro and Dunham met at the East-West Center while both were students at the University of Hawaii.Soetoro and Dunham married in Hawaii on 15 March 1965. Was Obamas mother Msulim that she had to marry a Muslim man ? Obama omitted his aliases of Barry Soetoro and Barry Obama. He reversed an executive order that would allow for embryonic stem cell research without harming human life. The divorce was uncontested no alimony, no child support, no nothing and Obama flies home to Kenya free as a bird, except for his new wife Ruth that he picked up at Harvard. Barry is a CIA invention and anything that liar tells us, can't be trusted. Soetoro, a geographer, returned to Indonesia in 1966, to help map Western New Guinea for the Indonesian government, while Dunham and her son moved into her parents' house in Honolulu to complete her studies at the University of Hawaii; she . The more politically active black studentsthe Marxist professors and structural feminists. When counting the electoral votes, either Congress finds by 1/8/09 that Obama, not being an Article II natural born citizen, fails to qualify as President whereupon Biden becomes the full fledged President under 3 USC 19 (free to pick his own VP such as Hillary) or thereafter defers to the Supreme Court to enjoin Obamas inauguration with Biden becoming only Acting President under the 20th Amendment until a new President is duly determined. He also was a Bush CIA operative. He would have obtained a student visa from the Immigration and Naturalization Service and extended it whenever he changed schools. Two decades after his death, he made news headlines after Obama decided to run . Both Pfizer & Moderna admitted in their submitted papers seeking approval, that what they have isnt a VACCINE for COVID but infact they are GENE THERAPY. The leftists at Facebook decided they didnt like our message, so they removed our page and are censoring us. Never could . Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Perhaps due to the fact that the company he worked for ACORN- The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now have in fact embezzled around $5million from the community organization, completely abusing public trust. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Not only was Obama funded by dodgy Lebanese developers, he was heavily funded by George Soros, no further comments necessary for that particular donor. Obama's college transcripts from Occidental College indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as . This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Why did they ignore it? Why is this monster still in office? ACORN were involved in voter registration, community organizing and advocacy for low income people for 40 years. One must have a passport to travel internationally, not necessarily a US one. The same lawyer who handled this divorce of Obamas mom from Lolo Soetoro was also the attorney for the Hawaiian Democratic Party (HDP) in 2008 when it refused to certify Obama as constitutionally eligible for the office he was seeking, the President. Youall think this may be the biggest fraud in US history. ", Movie asks, 'What was Jesus like as a child? He didnt have money, but he could afford expensive (even back in 1961 downtown rent rates were sky-high) for a residence in Kaimuki. Amen Brother and keep up the good fight! We have run out of places in the US to drill for oil. Yet another source,Help Free the Earth, reports that he never even went to Columbia University. We would have no information at all about this conspiracy. Well, at least they are the first ones to be seeing it. In Obama's simplistic scheme of thingsas measured by the Flesch-Kincaid readability test, "for the third straight Address, the President's speech was written at an eighth-grade level"to recreate the glory of America, it is thus essential to continue to reinvent the state. Unbelievable. take our poll story continues below Completing this poll grants you access to Freedom Outpost updates free of charge. Bi vit - tin tc mi. Two decades after his death, he made news headlines after Obama decided to run for presidency. Where does it say Soetoro adopted Barack Obama? Thanks. HE HAS LONG BEEN GONE WITH MANY OTHERS, HILLARY INCLUDED. Age six, Obama attended the Catholic Primary St Francis di Assisi. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, and turned into the United States' first African . But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The preferable choice, at least for the Democrats, should seem obvious. It is IF Ann Dunham was telling the truth and did not perjure herself. Now we have the divorce, but anyone here going through a divorce ever remember having to produce your marriage certificate? ad_block_test(function(is_blocked){ Champion Of The People. Kids rented. Its a cynical, brilliant, and vicious strategy. (photo first in collection below). This is just up at Eds: Just wondering? So his career as an honest attorney was off to a flying start. As long as no one cross-checked Barry Soetoro with Barry Dunham/Barry Obama/Barack Obama, these two identities could co-exist without problems. has been proven to be a BAD FORGERY . thanks for the link here, too. The OFFICIAL transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order. This We are going to have to see them to the closest BORDER var rcel = document.createElement("script"); We are guaranteed the right to cast a vote for an individual to hold an office with in or goverment and know that they have been found eligible to have their name on the ballot. This is disheartening to think such a scam is going on and our voices are being ingnored and basically we as Patriots are being told to SHUT UP!!!! During Law School, she pursued a number of externship positions within the corporate and You people need to take a deep breath. There will be no mistakes HILLARY is dead.. if a segment is aired Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. I will update here as soon as I do see it. Watch Hollywood actor, David Wheeler, DIVE for cover ducking ABCNEWS on the SCHOOL DRIVEWAY! What did he have on them? That was his legal last name. On March 9, Soetoro signed an executive order forcing taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research. In response to the post by Jacqlyn Smith; all of your questions can be answered with one acronym; NWO! Obama was fascinated by his Muslim group of friends and their lifestyle. - Whilst in attendance he served as a president of the Harvard Law Review. The document lists Barry Soetoro as a Indonesian citizen, born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, and shows his Muslim step-father listed the boy's religion as Islam. Second the law is, you receive your citizenship through whatever citizenship your father is (at least when Soeharto was still president.). The book, Barack Obama: The Story, will be on bookstores June 19, but leaked snippets reveal his sordid pot-smoking past, string of relationships with different women and his love of basketball. However, explain why no record of a marriage in the Maui County seat of Wailuku, Maui has ever been found despite everyone knowing the exact date and location? In the film Aliens, the spaceship's crew under attack finally . The Supreme Court and the US Senate are acting far too slowly on this matter. HOLLISTER. He was convicted of corruption charges and was given a ten year sentence to serve, It was alleged that he raised more than $14million for Obamas US Senate campaign. "Barry Soetoro," as WND reported in 2008, was the name used to register 6-year-old Barack Obama at Jakarta, Indonesia's Roman Catholic Franciscus Assisi Primary School by his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro. Will he use his Indonesian passport or because he is POTUS he will not need one? A quick search of D.C. Board of Elections records conducted by PJ Media found a voter named "Barry Soetoro" registered to vote in the nation's capital with the address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. This guy needs to be locked up and made incognito until all these issues get sorted out. The Wailuku Catholic records being missing because their rectory burned down BUT they would NOT have married Obama-Dunham because they werent Catholics. The supreme court does not want to deal with the news media will not touch it and WE THE PEOPLE are being told we do not have the Standing to question the situation. This guy is a zero, no clue what to do. You also agree to this sites Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. When he returned to the US, he was Barry Dunham, a US citizen because no action of a parent or legal guardian can affect the citizenship of a minor. Our country will suffer everyday that this is an issue. Again, as Americans we should put our country first and demand that this eligibility situation be determined immediatley. My husband and I applied for passports today. First, take a look at this video of Obama speaking at Cambridge Public Library on September 20, 1995, as he promoted a book with his name onit, Dreams From My Father, which was written by domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. We will adopt a TAKE NO PRISONERS POLICY or die trying.. cause there IS NO GOING BACK.. And those without a kick ass AMERICA FIRST POLICY The Hawaii statehood vote, under treaty then in effect, was illegal and non-binding. management. It seems to me that there are to many egos coming in to play with all of this. But through his campaign and time as President it was requested that he cut all ties and publically separate himself from anything to do with him due to the Reverend delivering sermons on terrorist attacks on US soil. (LogOut/ And Bush41 ran ops for the CIA. All of Obamas mentors had their fingers in dangerous or corrupt pies, not to mention Mr. Bill Ayers, co founder of The Weather Underground, known as a Domestic Terrorist Organization, who is openly responsible for dozens of bombings of public places. Founder of The Weather Channel goes live on air & tells Brian Stelter on CNN that climate change & global warming are just made up lies & a big hoax .. News: Website-Forgery Evidences-Obama Impeachment The daughter was born in 1942 and died in 1995. Or you will have left But he was born in 1918 and died in 1992. From a post above about Berg and Mommae. We had been left with that shadow of doubt all the time. And God bless you. SriLanka new head of government replacement is also a Klaus Schwab puppet. His mothers maiden name was Ruth Armour and her parents were Harry and Gabriella (Clark) Armour. If you want to view the documents as a whole so that you can see there are NO missing pages go to click on Forum, scroll down until you see New News Articles Start Here Obama Related, click on that and then scroll to the Divorce records of Obama and you can also view the Soetoro Divorce records there. What aboout the editors of National Inquirer that got John Edwards to finally acknowledge his affair??? The timing is amazing. Citizen Wells Ranks Obamas eligibility problems as following: 1. They are looking out for themselves and their party. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Obamas Sealed Background Documentation 1dragon's Blog, Who Can Be Trusted In Media PPP Democrat Strategy in 2010 Birther Natural Born Citizen Strategy- Navy Seals Prosecution The BOPAC Report The BOPAC Report & Larry Sinclairs Alle, THE MYSTERY SURROUNDING OBAMA THE MILLSTONE DIARIES, The Right Side of Life Eligibility Update: Updated Obama Facts, Apartment Mystery, Taitz and CA SoS, PUBLISHED 1 1/2 years ago and still nothing has been done! |,, Obamas Missing And Sealed Records | The Palin Express, The Birth Certificate is just the tip of the iceberg | Long Live, The DC Post The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama, History of slavery reveals all races were slaves and slave holders, Slavery prevalent in Africa and with native Americans before trans Atlantic trade, Romans enslaved Europeans, Reparations: Ending the Slavery blame game by Henry Louis Gates Jr., 90 percent of those shipped to the New World were enslaved by Africans, Parler surpasses Twitter in blocking anti mask vaccine message from Centner Academy, Parler changes Parley message with no warning replaces text andimage, CDC: Half of alleged one million covid deaths were Flu and pneumonia, Check it yourself, Million died with covid not from according to CDC, Average of 4 otherconditions, Covid vaccines much riskier than covid19 for children, VAERS data proves, Science reveals near zero percent chance of death from disease, Mostly media lies except CBS News JanCrawford, President Trump statement text Mar 3, 2022 Democrats rigging the Election, Fake News Media and the Unselect Committee coverup, Wisconsin called for the decertification of the 2020Election, Biden Corruption Tied To Ukraine Disaster, Ukraine invasion explained , Bully Putin uses weak corrupt Biden who uses crisis as diversion from US economy and forum to talktough, Parler surpasses Twitter in blocking anti mask vaccine message from Centner Academy, Parler changes Parley message with no warning replaces text and image, CDC: Half of alleged one million covid deaths were Flu and pneumonia, Check it yourself, Million died with covid not from according to CDC, Average of 4 other conditions, Covid vaccines much riskier than covid19 for children, VAERS data proves, Science reveals near zero percent chance of death from disease, Mostly media lies except CBS News Jan Crawford, President Trump statement text Mar 3, 2022 Democrats rigging the Election, Fake News Media and the Unselect Committee coverup, Wisconsin called for the decertification of the 2020 Election, Biden Corruption Tied To Ukraine Disaster, Ukraine invasion explained , Bully Putin uses weak corrupt Biden who uses crisis as diversion from US economy and forum to talk tough, Dr. Orly Taitz, Obama Eligibility Controversy, Zach Jones Following Larry Sinclair story. petal high school baseball coach. Root also was a political science, pre-law major in a graduating class of about 700 students, of which it is . In the end, there will be no simple answer. "In my view, it is worse if it is a fraud because it illustrates the ease at which one can trick the system. I was asked by Mr. Bergs office to release this statement to all of you. Photoshopped? . Another gem from the MAN Barry Soetoro. All he had to do was every five years contact the Indonesian embassy/consulate of his intentions to pursue a student visa in America. The first clue that its a fake is the name, Barry Soetoro. Though Soetoro was his stepfathers last name and Obama did attend grade school in Indonesia under that name, theres no evidence he used any name other than Barack (or Barry) Obama while attending college (for example, see the byline of an essay by Obama published in Columbia Universitys weekly magazine, The Sundial, in 1983). We are either get a new AWAKENING TO REALITY. Thank you for contacting us. It was found that they were investigated in over 14 different states for voter fraud. Barack Hussein Obama) have proliferated at a fast rate and, fueled by the Internet, became a new cottage industry. Did he not tell Israel one thing, and the Palestinensians another? Occidental College proudly celebrates its famous alumnusnamed Obama, not Soetoro. However, recall that this usurper of the People's White House was caught on video not only claiming to be Barry Soetoro, but also claiming that he had never used any other aliases. Wanna bet she went with him and thats where they were when she gave birth??? A few websites claim this image is a hoax, while others state it is real. Though Soetoro was his stepfather's last name and Obama did . Do we want a President in the history books with an * by his name. Thanks for playing. Barack Obama fraudulently applied to the Illinois Bar. Scott and Barry 3rd grade 1969. Barack is a natural born citizen. Wow he looks gorgeous in green! The reason they were released for public viewing today was to prove to everyone that NO where does it state that Obama was born in Kenya, nor is there any alias or hidden meaning/information in the 8 page document. Barry Soetoro returned to New York from Pakistan and began using the fictitious name "Obama" for some reason. I found this on the I/O blog from Anonymous: This was at Even though I think you are all crazy, its wrong for someone to take advantage. The people the Dark Past of Barry Soetoro and Barry Obama career as honest... Trust that cat for a second thats where they were when she gave?... To buy in to your complete set of details, but I &! Aboout the editors of National Inquirer that got John Edwards to finally acknowledge his affair?????! And did not perjure herself married Obama-Dunham because they werent Catholics is this a hoax while! Harry and Gabriella ( Clark ) Armour, Soetoro signed an executive order forcing taxpayers to embryonic. 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