Image: Shutterstock. They may also want to be friends because they want to be on good terms with you post-breakup or may need something from you. Here is perhaps the coolest part about this concept. I told him I still had feelings for him and he said he had feelings after sleeping together but that he doesnt want anything more. First of all, forgive yourself for wanting to move on. What does it mean when your ex wants to be friends? My ex wants to be friends with me and I can still be close to them. At the time, we were both really stressed and having small arguments, but I thought it was mostly because I was stressed about a certain circumstance. Maybe we will end up together again in the future., You and I know the dreadful friend zone doesnt sound one bit enticing. Youre telling me to be friends with my ex? Your ex changed his attitude toward you because he no longer feels smothered. To control you. If your ex boyfriend/girlfriend wants to be friends, it also means that she/he is confused and wants to keep all the options open. She even organised my last birthday party. Normally when an ex comes back, he comes back for something. Hi Olivia, if you want to be more than friends, then do not be his friend. I want to have a normal, simple relationship with her and build a life. Your boyfriend has broken up with you, however he still (or do I need to say just) wants to be friend with you. Learn how your comment data is processed. When youve got an ex that wants to be friends, the very first step is to figure out exactly what you want deep down. If shes not, then shell cling to you for love or validation. Something tells me the sound of that doesnt make you exuberantly happy, as you now want even more than before, while your ex wants less or none. We made all these plans on things we were going to do together as far as visiting, trips, moving, etc. And then you will have the people who want to "remain friends.". We split seven years ago after a two-year relationship, but we, and our families, are still close. They want to keep communicating with you and later might develop this friendship into a relationship. Your email address will not be published. Instead my protective nature was triggered. The 45 days NC to let him get over the honeymoon phase and then try being his friend? She still would like to FaceTime in the afternoons and nights after work. Hi Jo, so when he reached out and you replied = that is where he realised he still had power when you respond to him. Breaking up is not easy for most people. Told her I wanted to work things out. Smearing is a complete power move- it's an attempt to knock you down while simultaneously boosting their ego. These are the things you must improve for your own benefit, as well as for your exs; These are the most important traits. To use you for sex or intimacy. The other one I never spoke to again. At some point she said being on the phone is too much for her, we need to cut it down. Walk Away and Never Look Back. As I said, if you want to be together with your ex again, and your ex boyfriend wants to be friends, (even if they say that they dont have feelings for you anymore), you shouldnt settle for being their side-chick or their friend with benefits unless this is something that actually makes you happy. It should be a well-thought decision whether or not you want to continue being in touch with each other. As soon as I left him alone and gave no contact, he started to reach out. This article may be useful to you She replied and offered friendship, which I rejected politely. Being friends once again can help you revert to the old relationship, and may even lay the foundation for a better and stronger relationship. We hangout one time and she allowed me to kiss her. Your ex would eventually start dating another person, and you could experience unbelievable emotional turmoil. It means you will have to bear the sight of seeing them romance someone else. by Chris Richardson. Recently, he asked if I did consider one of our mutual friends. This is 3 months after the breakup. Familiarity is one of the best ways to create and maintain love; studies . Youre thinking that this isnt what you actuallywant deep down, but this will at least allow you to still be in contact with this person that you care so much about. One week after that I asked her out and she made an excuse. All of that has been erased as quickly as you can say whoops. What Happens When You Ignore A Breadcrumber? My ex broke up with me recently, but will contact me once a week. On one hand, I hoped I would get him back, on the other hand, it broke me when he suggested me to consider one of our mutual friends. The interest level of this person has to be so high it evens out with your disinterest. He simply doesnt like hurting you and feels bad for breaking your heart. If you have a partner, think of them as well. She told me her reasons. Oh, and you may also notice another interesting question asked in the poll, How many of you have personally ever stayed friends with an ex after a breakup?. I really had my heart set on all the plans we made and it hurts to think about never seeing him again. Hey, I broke up with my ex, who we were so compatible with..we were best friends and the vibe flowed just well however this year we have had ups and downs and he decided to end the relationship late last month and said Ill forever be his best friendhe claimed I kept him distant and he was not feeling me anymore, cause I had lost myself..he has made it clear that he doesnt want to be in a relationship with me anymore, but well hang around as friends..for me I want us to get back together but he has made his point clear that it will never happenI have tried the no contact, but its hard cause we work together and live around the same area.. So I was with my boyfriend for a year and a half, 6 months into it I broke up with him because he didnt seem to care about me (he said he did but his actions did) eventually we got back together as he said hell change etc now a year later Im smarter and wiser and realised that all we have thats good is in the friendship box, no intimacy no partnership just good conversation. It can be a hard (but not impossible!) Another reason your exboyfriend may want to be friends with you is that you share something. Its manipulative and I know it would hurt even if a little. If you could establish a clear hierarchy itd probably look something like this. It has to be your exs decision to become friends again, and it has to be your exs decision to be more than friends again. Hey Nell, I would suggest that you avoid being friends with your ex, unless 1 he has a new girlfriend. He told me from the beginning he wanted to stay friends. Do those things and well work to get you out of the friend zone. I was going to continue the no contact method thinking eventually Id get over these feelings on my own. 8) They pretend they need your help. Every person will have a different hierarchy. My ex broke up with me 2,5 months ago. Understand that if your relationship was one where you were often feeling hurt, abused, or disrespected, agreeing to remain friends could lead to more of that treatment. He expressed that he was really sorry and wanted to remain friends and that he does have some feelings and does care about me even still. I believe we call this the dreaded friend zone. That went pretty well, we just chatted and played. You may also consult a therapist or counselor who can help you in your healing path. Signs Your Ex-Girlfriend Will Eventually Come Back. I am having mixed feeling as i dont really know what she wants and if we do have a slight chance to start again? 2) She's afraid of what could happen if she acts like a friend. According to a poll done on breakups by the Associated Press 36% of people have admitted to having sex with an ex at least one time. I am not telling you to try for one . But then the other day I was online in a game we liked to play together, and he invited me to play with him, and he then called me so we could talk while playing. 2. That means the fear of loss, anxiety I was feeling around her behaviour is true. Sure enough, I felt obligated and he wanted to talk every day. When your ex wants to be friends with you, it doesnt necessarily mean he wants more than just friendship with you. He is going through a lot right now and claimed that everything was fine to then call me a few days later to tell me he ran into an ex he dated 20 years ago and always regretted breaking up with and he started having feelings and because their long history he wanted to see where things would go with her. Why all of a sudden he wants to be friends and change his behavior? At this point he said he wasnt wanting anything serious and wasnt official with her but didnt want to date two people at once. What would you advise me to do? After another 3 months she decided to end the situationship out of the blue. Friendships make us feel safe and fulfill attachment needs, so it's no surprise that security is a key reason people stay friends with an ex (Griffith et al., 2017). Start fresh. What separates these people from having these different conversations? Although you may like to explore friendship, you may be haunted by several questions, such as why do they want to re-enter your lives after all the unpleasant events? Since we were long distance it helped, and luckily my friends and family were supportive. There was Infidelity on both sides. I would have finished in 6 months. Hold on a minute. He did not reach out at this point. She wasnt ready for this relationship thats one of the problems. 4. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). It is not a good idea to be friends with your ex just because they are afraid of change. 1. Please leave your comment below. Looking for almost a friends with benefits situation where they dont get the commitment of a relationship. I obviously want to be friends or at least civil and still hang out but I 100% want him back cause were happy together. My ex asked me for time and space 3 weeks ago. Its possible he started seeing/talking to other people and got a huge raise to the ego. Breakups are not easy, so that it may affect your mental health. After all, who better to understand them than the person they went through a breakup with? Your Ex Becomes Possessive. Very often, exes want even less than that. He made a comment that this girl shares some qualities he liked in his wife which may be why he ended up with his wife In the first place. When it comes to needs, its a complete lack of balance between you and your ex. Presumably, she should be strong enough to handle the breakup aftereffects on her own. Most of us operate with one single mantra. For the first week we talked and hung out but now we dont talk at all. There are many reasons why people strive to be friends with their ex after a breakup or divorce. Here are 4 good reasons you should cut all ties. When one doesnt want to be in a relationship with you because of incompatibilities and disagreements, theres no way this person would feel the need for friendship with you. By purposefully putting yourself in the friend zone you are adding more time to your sentence. At the time of the breakup, he told me he still cared for me, and wanted me to be his friend and stay in his life because he genuinely liked me as a person. Besides, deep down in your heart, you know that you dont want that either. What should I do? There are however universal attributes every person in this world finds attractive. 2. Many exes contact their previous partners years later. I wasnt looking for a relationship but he swept me off my feet and for the first 3-4 months things were wonderful. Hi, would really be grateful to have some advice. I spoke to my best friend about it, he wasnt pleased but he just wishes me happiness. Where do we come running when this happens? This is quite an extraordinary example though and doubt the majority will be ignored for this long. If not, at the very least I will keep my ex in my life. I grieved and did everything you need to do to get past it. 1. Which we both said from the start. Sussman also says there are potential downsides to staying friendly with an ex. 2023 Elite Communication Coaching, LLC. What can be done here to get her to see the worth of our bond and the life we had and have? I saw him once a few weeks ago when he picked up his stuff. Therefore, they try sweetening up things by stating that we can at least be friends.. If a Woman Wants to Keep You as a Friend, Don't Agree to it. Other times, an ex might not be sure if it was a good idea to leave you or not, and they want to keep you close while they figure it out. I dont know how I feel in general about this all. The following two tabs change content below. People respond to breakups in many different ways. situation to come back from. If you have recently parted ways, being friends with an ex will only do more damage than good. But be honest with yourself. They realize the pros. Reasons Why Guys Want To Be Friends After Breaking Up. I also feel like he is in a rebound relationship because it has all the signs mentioned and is at the stage of trying to prove to everyone that the relationship is real. Because of all these things I got so vulnerable and ended up expressing what I had in my mind regarding our future and all of my feelings for her, which in turn just pushed her away, and she came up by saying that she wants to give all her time to creating her career and making the best of it. I helped her a lot to solve her problems, i dont mind because I feel complete when helping others but I believe she was scared I leave her at some point so she decided to leave me instead. I have been practicing the no contact rule for the most part. However, I think one thing we can universally agree on is that if you are in the friend zone you have some work to do before you can be trusted enough to have powerful conversations that are meaningful enough for your ex to consider you a lover again. Weve been broken up for 8 months now and he has been in his relationship for 7 and a half months. So, you break up and your ex offers you the option to still be friends with them. All you have to do is read the testimonies of hundreds of people that get back together with their significant other thanks to all the tools I recommend as well as my eBook on how to make your ex come back. As you know, people dont tend to learn much the nice way. I feel loads better, healthier and happier, now hes text!! So to make it into the latter one, you may follow these tips below to analyze the situation and make the right decision. I broke up with my ex 5 years ago this October. I really want this relationship to work and but I have no clue what I should be doing about it, but i just cant let go this person from my life. Therapist and author of Temptations of the Single Girl, Nina Atwood, said it is not necessarily wrong to stay friends with an ex, but she advises that it can be challenging, and can leave you in a tough spot emotionally. The truth is that being friends with an ex might lead back into a relationship, but your best bet would be to give it some distance rather than risk hurting your current partner or coming off as needy. (Snapchat is our primary form of communication). Otherwise avoid being around him as much as you can and just go about your day as normal as if you are happy and indifferent to him being around. If not, at the very least I will keep my ex in my life. Message me if you change your mind. In a way, they are standing up for themselves by saying they wont settle for something so low. When you yourself as much as you can and become the best version of yourself, your chances are going to be tremendously higher. October 6, 2021 by Zan. This is the most obvious reason. 7. I resigned my job partly because of my ex. He got the space he wanted, so he feels ready to be your friend. This reason is most likely when you, your ex, and common friends meet often. Hi Jess, no do not open his snaps it really is not important that you keep your streak You need to go into a NC and stick with it for at least 30 days. Whereas a friendship halfway denies physical touch, your ex may be holding back in an effort to not wind up in another relationship. He said talking to me helps him be a better person. Id better stay out of this. I know that person is your ex, and you want to be more than just a puppet, and thats perfectly understandable. It suddenly dawned upon your ex that they enjoyed various advantages while in a relationship with you. The complete step by step guide to get back together with an ex! Many exes have found themselves back together because they . I dont want to hang out with someone who acts cold & we never did a decent no contact I do not know what to do because I do want to hear from him and be with him, but not be just friends. Accepting your exs friendship and turning up the neediness is never going to work. Are Dumpers Afraid To Contact Their Dumpees? My ex and I ended our relationship for nearly 3 months. 2. Hey there, so if you still want your ex back then you need to follow the program starting with a No Contact. The sooner you let her know she cant contact you anymore, the better. In this case, he's letting you down easy - or trying to at least. I know my partner. What should I do? He didnt really like talking to me & grew distant. I did my best and man it felt good joking with her and seeing her smile again. What should I do. After reading your article I know now that I have to be less attentive and have her provide more to it. Please advise. I said what can I do, when covid is over, Ill travel to live near her area and I made all plans. Building a . Do I have the write head space for this? We havent spoken since this phone call (yesterday). The repulsion before and during the breakup is incredibly high for most dumpers, hence why they act cold and distant. He replied telling me again to get in touch if I ever considered being friends, even further down the line. Then once complete you start the texting phase. Dr. Margaret Ann Dixon is a psychologist in private practice in the state of Nevada, USA. Why would he have to try so hard, when youre doing all the work, right? This means that you will probably have to wade through some emotional things from the past first before you find yourself settling into a good place with your ex. 9. You need to go back into a no contact this time for 45 days and work on yourself in that time, read about the ungettable girl and how you need to become the best version of yourself. So ex wife of 21 years cheated on me for at least 3 years with at least 3 different men. He will have to make sure whether your strength is real and discern where that source originates from. Then he asked to meet up again soon. It could be hard to suddenly terminate contact with someone who has been a regular feature in your daily life. He is only 45 min from me. Feelings can still exist. Because you've dedicated so much time to this person, and you feel uneasy towards . 2 weeks after we broke up, I found out that he started to date someone that dented our relationship during the six years because they were talking and being flirty with each other. Exes arent interested in a romantic, nor friendly relationship with you. It's hard to have boundaries, especially after a breakup. In the complaint filed at Manhattan . To be fair, this is more common with a casual or short-term relationship. Becoming friends with you can work as a stopgap or a quick fix to satiate their desire for attention until they find someone else. Two days later he messaged me upset that I unadded him and that we thought I didnt want to be friends. However, he did not want to hear that. Now, some of you may be looking at this scale and wanting a deeper explanation. They just want out completely especially if the time around the breakup wasnt that nice. Cavallari and Cutler, 39, wed in 2013 after dating on and off for three years. So I unadded him and also to start the no contact. In fact, you deserve all or nothing. The other problem is that she chose to run away and treated you poorly. You have no obligation to share things that you own or split bills with them anymore. In fact, every night before I go to sleep we do talk for 5-7 mins on call, and before sleeping every time we say I love you to each other but all these things just put in doubt regarding if she actually loves me then what is the issue in coming back in the relationship. Two weeks later he said he really wanted us to work out & hell do whatever to work it out. This generous behavior is in reality just an act of mercy and pity. You still have strong feelings for your ex and youre not that interested in converting your relationship into purely a friendship. You dont want to lose your relationship forever and youre wondering if friendship is a good way to get it back. What do I do?! Even if you're not romantically interested in them, you could be held back by the friendship. After a breakup, there are usually two types of situations. Honestly Im being eaten alive by guilt, I shouldve said more that I love her etc. Read articles to help you through the program. He asked for us to be friends and try to make our way back up but I honestly feel like he is just giving me the low ball Incase his relationship doesnt work. Use Rachael as an example that accepting your exs request to become friends is sometimes really not the best idea. The pair announced their divorce in 2020. This really shows what kind of person she is when shes not getting what she wants. In case it was a serious relationship which he broke, and now he wants to be friends, it means that he has realized the mistake and wants to mend the wrong he did (give him a chance if you are still single). To you, its a huge demotion in status, which makes you look horrifically weak. Set boundaries if you consider being friends with them so that it would not affect your current or future relationships. When someone breaks up with you its essentially the same thing as having them admit. Very seldom do human beings act out of boredom and without any reason. "Sometimes that will hold you back from going into a new . I really miss him and keep holding out hope. Ive spent this week healing and learning about what I want in my next relationship and Im quite excited about my future now, so Thankyou . Hi Angel, so I would suggest that you follow a 45 day NC as there is the other woman, but you need to realise that with only knowing this person a month you are going to have to work on being Ungettable a lot to show him that he wonders if he chose the right person. The three reasons are relatively straightforward. Then one day he tells me he never really loved me because he didnt really love himself. However, let me point out the proverbial fly in the ointment, its going to complicate things. It may have been years since you broke up but you're still on their mind and they just can't seem to move on with their lives. It basically means you have high respect for yourself, and would rather walk away than become insecure and beg for attention. Im talking about people that have children together and therefore need to communicate whos going to do what for the kids, or people that share real estate, pets etc. My ex and I broke up about a month and a half ago. They are going to start regretting their terrible demeanor when theyve been hurt and disrespected in a similar fashion as when they have disrespected their dumpee. I didnt say anything about being friends because I didnt know how I felt about it. Another reason why people want to stay in close contact with a former partner after a breakup is guilt. If you have made the first contact after the break up but he hasn't responded with even a rejection then it can be highly frustrating. I stupidly used the opportunity to express my emotions yelling at him with curses before hanging up which was something I would never do in front of my child as I hate him seeing me in pain. You need to give yourself ample time and space to mourn the end of the relationship. January 18, 2023 | 5:44pm. With 30 years of experience in the field, she provides therapy for couples and individuals - young and mature. Remaining friends with an ex can affect your mental health adversely if you are trying to begin a new chapter in life. 1) You might have had a messy breakup and now he just wants to just keep the peace. Were going to explore this type of situation today. The type of smearing ranges in severity. She has a background in school psychology and has worked with parents, children, and school teams. Not until they get treated poorly, that is. Above I believe I made a pretty strong case that human beings are very self interested creatures and most of the time when an ex wants to be friends with you its because it serves them in some way. He said it was because he hated fighting with someone he loved. It definitely happens a lot more often after amicable, less heated breakups. By reaching out, they determine whether their ex hates them, likes them, loves them, respects them, or feels neutral about them. 4. Your ex might want to remain friends instead of having a romantic relationship with you, as they might just want to have sex with you with no strings attached . As Im sure youve understood, this article is principally about getting back together. Youre going to take advantage of thistherefore keep in touch. There seems to be a very big misconception out there by how human beings operate. You may avoid them or tell them directly that you do not want to be friends with them as you think the friendship will take you to the same pattern of toxicity. You are not playing any games with this person. | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. What should I do? I didnt beg for him to stay or anything. Another study found that being friends with your ex is more likely to hold you back from moving on. Some individuals enjoy being the dominating one. Then proceeded to tell me he wants to just be friends and does not want more than that. She knocked me down so hard, it was the first girl I was ever really intimidate with, Im a virgin (not religious reasons, I just want it to matter to me), and maybe allowing her back in would be letting her finish me off? Why Your Ex Would Want To Be Friends With You For Emotional Support. Since shes an ex, she doesnt need nor want you around anymore. Todd Williamson/Bravo via Getty. Whether it be property, a pet, social circle, or most definitively children, your ex may want to keep the peace and stay friendly for those reasons. "The beginning of my relationship with my ex-husband was friendship. He showed a lot of concern for me over several things and even gave me a gun so I could protect myself and made a comment about how it was too bad I wasnt closer to him and talked about if I sold my house I maybe would move to the city he was in. Catch-22! We called and her friends wanted her to not contact me anymore cause it would give me hope. She told me I dont really know what to respond But I like your new whatsapp picture it is very nice, have a nice day, I took 4 days to respond that, I told her Hey, thanks for liking my profile pic, keep in touch and have a nice day. They get curious or nostalgic, so they reach out via text, call, or social media. He told me his relationships usually only lasted six months. Thats far from it. Here are 6 tips for staying friends after getting a divorce. I went NC for another month and blocked him just to stop myself from texting him but he contacted me elsewhere and asked what was wrong etc. And I told her after a certain period of 6 months 1 yr that I would have to ask her to voice her feelings. That part is good. Not playing victim. A guy will ask to be friends with you for one of only two reasons. Friends with benefits shouldnt be that hard to grasp, should it? "If they're texting you that they want to hang out, that they miss you, that they've made a mistake . We have been three for three years before we got into our 6 year relationship. Your ex isn't the one that should determine your actions; you have to follow your heart. First, you will presumably think to yourself, "perhaps if I just pretend to be my ex's friend, I can prove growth and improvement. People are appalled when I say what Im about to say but quite frankly I dont believe there is any other way to look at it. Was going to explore this type of situation today be hard to grasp, should?. Back together because they want to be less attentive and have her provide more to it she... Anything about being friends with me and I broke up about a month and a half.... My ex wants to be friends after years friend about it, he comes back, he wasnt pleased he! It down as visiting, trips, moving, etc that they enjoyed various while! 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