Manila. Sugidanon (Epics) of Panay Series. Limikid, B. Manila: Oriental Commercial Company. NewCAPP (2014). Labayo, C. C. (2019). Garcia, J. N. C. (2008). Cole, M. C. (1916). Potet, Jean-Paul G. (2018). Conquistas de las Islas Filipinas, 15651615 (Spanish Edition): Bilingual ed edition. Marino (1981). Page 82. Adlao: son of Dagat and Paros; joined Daga's rebellion and died; his body became the sun; Bulan: son of Dagat and Paros; joined Daga's rebellion and died; his body became the moon; Bitoon: daughter of Dagat and Paros; accidentally killed by Languit during a rage against his grandsons' rebellion; her shattered body became the stars, Unnamed God: a sun god who fell in love with the mortal, Rosa; refused to light the world until his father consented to their marriage; he afterwards visited Rosa, but forgetting to remove his powers over fire, he accidentally burned Rosa's whole village until nothing but hot springs remained, Magindang: the god of fishing who leads fishermen in getting a good fish catch through sounds and signs, Okot: the forest god whose whistle would lead hunters to their prey, Batala: a good god who battled against Kalaon, Son of Kalaon: son of Kalaon who defied his evil father's wishes, Onos: freed the great flood that changed the land's features, Oryol: a wily serpent who appeared as a beautiful maiden with a seductive voice; admired the hero Handyong's bravery and gallantry, leading her to aid the hero in clearing the region of beasts until peace came into the land, Baltog: the hero who slew the giant wild boar Tandayag, Handyong: the hero who cleared the land of beasts with the aid of Oryol; crafted the people's first laws, which created a period for a variety of human inventions, Bantong: the hero who single-handedly slew the half-man half-beast Rabot, Dinahong: the first potter; a pygmy who taught the people how to cook and make pottery, Ginantong: made the first plow, harrow, and other farming tools, Hablom: the inventor of the first weaving loom and bobbins, Kimantong: the first person to fashion the rudder called timon, the sail called layag, the plow called arado, the harrow called surod, the ganta and other measures, the roller, the yoke, the bolo, and the hoe, Sural: the first person to have thought of a syllabry; carved the first writing on a white rock-slab from Libong, Gapon: polished the rock-slab where the first writing was on, Takay: a lovely maiden who drowned during the great flood; transformed into the water hyacinth in Lake Bato, Rosa: a sun god's lover, who perished after the sun god accidentally burned her entire village, Malinay: a fearless girl who explored the forests and caves filled with spirits; known in the tale of the origin of bananas, Makapatag-Malaon: the supreme deity with both male and female aspect; the male aspect is Makapatag, the leveler who is fearful and destructive, while the female aspect is Malaon, the ancient understanding goddess, Badadum: a guide of the dead; gathers the souls of the newly dead to meet their relatives at the mouth of a river in the lower world, Hamorawan Lady: the deity of the Hamorawan spring in Borongan, who blesses the waters with healing properties, Berbinota: the beautiful goddess who rules the island of Biri, whose formations were made during the battle of the gods, Maka-andog: an epic giant-hero who was friends with the sea spirits and controlled wildlife and fish; first inhabitant and ruler of Samar who lived for five centuries; later immortalized as a deity of fishing, Rizal: a culture-hero who is prophesied to someday return to aid his people in their struggle, Igsabod: one of the 1011 giant siblings of Maka-andog; friends with the sea spirits, Paula Tomaribo: giant wife and, in some tales, the sibling of Maka-andog; in another tale, she was of Moro origin, Banogbarigos: brother of Maka-andog; became the first, Pagsabihon: one who punishes those who speak of him, Delbora: the one who kaingin farmers offer food; wife of Delalaman, Sanghid: wove cloth on a gold loom with supernatural speed; has the power to move back the sun, Mother of Maka-andog: a gigantic being whose head alone is as large as a hill; lived in Mt. Bran in Welsh really means crow, but sometimes with references to head, height, hill, in the sense of headmaster, sir. Juan Jos de Noceda,Pedro de Sanlucar. Far Eastern University (1967). Aran: Tiny human-like beings that reside in trees, anthills, dark spaces and are neither evil nor good. Plasencia, Juan de (1589). Williams, M. S. (1997). Manuel, A. E. (1973). Tikum Kadlum. Jesus, Pablo de (1580). (1917). All the same, I have been thinking about seeking out Netjeru with Whom I am unfamiliar or unacquainted and saying hello. The Katipunan of the Philippines. I freely admit that my initial spark of curiosity about Sepa was due to His being a son of Sekhmet, but without knowing from whence that came historically, I am hesitant to put my full weight on it as a bridge to Him. Munn and Company, 1901. [] on my merry little way with no more than a respectful nod and libation. University of Manila Journal of East Asiatic Studies, Volume 5. Fox, R. B. Novellino, D. (2003). Diwata na Magbabaya: simply referred as Magbabaya; the good supreme deity and supreme planner who looks like a man; created the earth and the first eight elements, namely bronze, gold, coins, rock, clouds, rain, iron, and water; using the elements, he also created the sea, sky, moon, and stars; also known as the pure god who wills all things; one of three deities living in the realm called Banting; Dadanhayan ha Sugay: the evil lord from whom permission is asked; depicted as the evil deity with a human body and ten heads that continuously drools sticky saliva, which is the source of all waters; one of the three deities living in the realm called Banting, Agtayabun: the adviser and peace maker deity with a hawk-like head, wings, and a human body; tempers the heads of Diwata na Magbabaya and Dadanhayan ha Sugay whenever the two argue; one of the three deities living in the realm called Banting, where he holds the other two in a suspending fashion, while maintaining the balanace of Banting; the beating of his wings produce the wind, Incantus: six of the seven original figures initially created by the three supreme deities; became guardian spirits and divinities when they were finished by Dadanhayan ha Sugay; they are both good and evil, but they take care of nature and will give its fruits if given respect through offerings; if offended, they can send droughts, flood, pestilence, or sickness, Ibabagsuk: take care of nature and grow plants, Bulalakaw: guards the water and all the creatures living in it, Mamahandi: guards over the material wealth that men acquire, First Human: one of the seven original figures created by the three supreme deities; became the first human when finished by Diwata na Magbabaya; endowed with intelligence, and entrusted with the Haldan ta Paraiso, Magbabaya (general): general term for the gods of the universe living at the points where the world's concavities meet; usually referred simply to the supreme deity named Diwata na Magbabaya, Intumbangol: a pair of serpent deities who support the earth from the underworld; one is male, the other female; their movement causes earthquakes, their breathing causes winds, and their panting causes violent storms, Miyaw-Biyaw: the deity who breathes the makatu (soul) into humans at birth, Andalapit: leads the soul from the banquet in Kumbirahan into the foot of Mount Balatucan, where the gods of the seas are assembled to judge the soul, Mangilala: god of temptation that haunts the seventh tier of the underworld; brother of Magbabaya, who he aided in the creation of humans, although when Mangilala breathed into the figures, humans became tempted to evil things, Pamahandi: protector of carabaos and horses, Camiguin: a mountain goddess who lived peacefully until the noisy kalaw disturbed her; sank and established Lake Mainit, and rose to sea, moving westward until she became the island of Camiguin, Python of Pusod Hu Dagat: the gigantic python living at the center of the sea; caused a massive flood when it coiled its body at sea, Tuluyan: son of Agyu, who gave him the source of traditional authority called Takalub, composed of the boar-tusk bracelet Baklaw and the black stick Gilling, which gave its owner Kalaki (talent and power) to settle disputes, Gahemen: a widow who survived the flood caused by the Python of Pusod Hu Dagat, Teheban: son of Gahemen after the great flood caused by the Python of Pusod Hu Dagat, Pabulusen: son of Gahemen and Teheban; his people became keepers of power, A-ayawa-en: son of Gahemen and Teheban; his people became keepers of religious customs, Tataun-en: son of Gahemen and Teheban; his people often experienced hunger, Bala-ol: brother of Mampolompon; survived the great drought and became an ancestor of the Bukidnon, Mampolompon: brother of Bala-ol; survived the great drought and became an ancestor of the Bukidnon, Tibolon: survived the great drought and became an ancestor of the Bukidnon, Managdau: survived the great drought and became an ancestor of the Bukidnon, Diwata: became a friend of the carpenter, David, Limokan: a pigeon who when cooed at, ensures a bountiful harvest, Datu Indulum: formulated the laws of Mt. Nothing in the Henadology article, nor in the quickncursory research I did, shows me how Sepa is a form of Heru; it seems like Sepa is more thoroughly linked to Wesir (Osiris) and funerary purifications, only encountering Heru when He brings Sepa (linked to the inundation) to Cairo. Fundacin Santiago, 1995. Webdeities associated with centipedes. The praying mantis is a beautiful insect and can also be deadly if youre another praying mantis. My Blog deities associated with centipedes 17: The Adam and Eve of the Ilocanos. Hinilawod. Pandaque: messenger of Sidapa; sacrifice is offered to the deity so that a soul can be admitted to the skyworld, Kahilwayan, from the lower world, Kasakitan; lives in Kasakitan, despite being a messenger of Sidapa, who lives in the middleworld, Kamaritaan; Magyan: carries the souls of the dead to the lower world, Kasakitan, on his boat called balanday; co-ruler of the lower world Kasakitan, together with Sumpoy; he is a brother of Makaptan and Sumpoy, Sumpoy: takes the souls from Magyan's balanday and carries them to a place in Kasakitan called Kanitu-nituhan; co-ruler of the lower world Kasakitan, together with Magyan; he is a brother of Magyan and Makaptan, Sisiburanen: ruler of Kanitu-nituhan, a sub-realm of the lower world, Kasakitan; acts as slaver of the souls of those who cannot and have yet go into the skyworld; feeds the souls to Simuran and Siguinarugan after the souls stay in Kanitu-nituhan for years, Simuran: one of the two giant guards of the gates of Kanitu-nituhan. Philippine Folk Tales . Humadapnon: an epic hero; brother of Labaw Donggon and husband of Nagmalitung Yawa; Nagmalitung Yawa: a powerful binukot who rescued her husband by transforming herself into a man named Buyung Sunmasakay; Malubay Hanginon: a powerful binukot who captured and imprisoned by Humadapnon; defeated by Nagmalitung Yawa under her male form, Paglambuhan: a warrior who was keeping the Timpara Alimuon sacred boat in his fortress; defeated by Nagmalitung Yawa, Humadapnon, and Dumalapdap. Madrid, 1895. Edited by Alejandro, R. G., Yuson, A. Contrasting landscapes, conflicting ontologies. 2014. kristian--mingle said: Ive heard that Loki is commonly associated with spiders. Blair, Helen Emma & Robetson, James Alexander. University of Manila Journal Of East Asiatic Studies, Volumes 7-8. Manila: Impr. Page 33. (1982). E.P. Gttinger Studien zur Musikwissenschaft Volume 3. Diwata Kat Sidpan: a deity who lives in the western region called Sidpan; Diwata Kat Libatan: a deity who lives in the eastern region called Babatan; Tumangkuyun: wash and keep clean the trunks of the two sacred cardinal trees in Sidpan and Babatan by using the blood of those who have died in epidemics; the blood he uses causes the colors of the sunrise and sunset, Diwata katamyan: invoked when the wet period lasts too long and these Amyan hot-dry winds are needed, Salakap: the spirits of epidemic sickness which arrive on earth through the northwest winds; initially were humans who were forced, thru a discriminatory decree or through their comrade's trick, to consume either the feces or flesh of a dead human, which turned them into Salakap, Tumungkuyan: leaders of the Salakap who paint tree trunks the support the sky using the blood of the epidemic-dead, Sumurutun: captain of the outrigger which transports the dead to Kiyabusan, Lumalayag: warriors who challenge and fight the Salakap, Tandayag: a deity who lives in Kiyabusan; sent by the supreme deity to live with the Salakap in order to prevent them from sailing except during the northeast winds, as per an agreement between the Salakap and the supreme deity, Taliyakud: chief god of the underworld who tends a fire between two tree trunks; asks the souls of the dead questions, where the soul's louse acts as the conscience that answers the questions truthfully; if the soul is wicked, it is pitched and burned, but if it is good, it passes on to a happier place with abundant food, Diwata: general term for deities; they created the first man made from earth and gave him the elements of fire, the flint-like stones, iron, and tinder, as well as rice and most importantly, rice-wine, which humans could use to call the deities and the spirits of their dead, God of Animals: the deity of animals who allowed the creatures to speak but forbade them from dancing; when a king heard of an island filled with dogs, he ordered a captain to get some of them; the captain ordered the dogs which they did, angering the god of animals who struck their ship with lightning, killing the captain and turning the dogs and ship into an island called Tagbayanga, which now protects the town of Pilar from strong winds and waves, Mount Diwata Deities: a group of deities (diwata) at the Diwata Mountains, whose privacy was subjugated by the noise created by the hornbills (kalaw); the oldest among them used her wooden staff and tapped in on the ground three times, which made their home flew up and became the island of Camiguin; a crater was left, which became Lake Mainit, Pikit Octopus: a small octopus at the Pikit river who was raised by the fivider Sario, until grew massive; inflicted illness to anyone who it has stung; when Sario died, the octopus left the river, Rizal: a culture-hero who in the future, will return to aid his people in their struggle, Sario: a diviner who raised the giant octopus in the Pikit river, Tahaw: supreme deity who is give prayers of supplications and petitions, True: deity of the forest and herder of hunting animals. 18, No. Anvil Publishing. Asiaweek Limited, 1986. Sepa is considered to be a protector against poisonous bites and stings, which is a common attribute among deities of venomous creatures, including scorpions (Serqet) and snakes (Wadjet and others). University of Manila., 1956. (M. Antonio, Ed.) University of San Carlos Publications. The list does not include creatures; for these, see list of Philippine mythological creatures. Weekly Women's Magazine. Kroeber, A. L. (1918). Boquet, Y. Page 358. Ethnography of The Bikol People, ii. Wilson, L. L. (1947). The Journal of American Folklore. Someday, that caterpillar will wake up as a butterfly or moth and so, the caterpillar can be associated with any sort of transformative magic and ritual. Centipedes tend to be nocturnal, which means approaching Sepa after dark is not only a-okay but potentially downright preferential. Manila. Laon: the supreme goddess and creator residing in Mount Kanlaon; governs the harvest, pestilence, and locusts; Makaako: the creator and the most powerful god, Pandaque: god who is given ritual offerings so that a soul of the deceased will not be taken by the gods responsible for torment in the afterlife. Colin SJ, Francisco (1663). Die Negrito Asiens. Webmichael carmine longtime companion; lyon college salaries. Page 151-152. CABI. Blumentritt, Ferdinand (1895). CCP Encyclopedia of Philippine Art: Peoples of the Philippines. Page 46. [2], Some ethnic groups have pantheons ruled by a supreme deity (or deities), while others revere ancestor spirits and/or the spirits of the natural world, where there is a chief deity but consider no deity supreme among their divinities. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity. Philippiniana Sacra, Volume 37, Issues 109-111. Sevilla, Spain: Archivo de la Indias. Philippines' tribes take home lessons. University of San Carlos Publications. Hislop, S. K. (1971). Filipino Heritage, I, 15. Religion of the Katipunan. POTET, Jean-Paul G. (2016). Romulo, L. (2019). "Western Visayan Verbal Lore." Eugenio, D. L. (1989). (1979). Mama Guayen: a god that carries the souls of the dead in a boat to the ends of the earth; Sumpoy: god who guides the soul toward a very high mountain, Sisiburanen: the god who rules the mountain where Sumpoy drops off the souls of the dead, Mangalos: the spirits who eat the insides of children; takes away young lives, Hangin: the spirits of the death wind; takes the life of the elderly, Sitaho: also called Sibo Malabag; the god of the early migrants from Borneo, Estrella Bangotbanwa: deified shaman from the 19th century, Canla and Ona: the couple hidden under a clod of earth thrown down by the god Lalaon as punishment to the people who showed malice towards the couple; said to go forth onto the world only after the people become good and envy in the world disappear, Hari-sa-Boqued: an emissary of Canla and Ona; Mount Canlaon is said to burst whenever word has been sent from Canla and Ona to Hair-sa-Baqued, asking if the people have become good and envy is no longer in this world; in other versions, he is also a king of a prosperous kingdom, where his followers are humans, but in one case, he also has loyal dwarfs as followers; disallowed the people from planting tobacco near the summit, but was disobeyed, resulting in an eruption, Maniuantiuan: the beautiful and graceful wife of Marikudo who negotiated with Pinampang; came from a commoner family, Mambusay: son of Marikudo who first spoke with the ten Bornean datus and hear their plea, Makatunao: a tyrant ruler whose actions forced the ten Bornean datus to flee to Panay, Puti: the leader of the ten Bornean datus who fled to Panay; returned to Borneo and fought Makatunao, Pinampang: wife of Puti who negotiated with Maniusntiuan, Bankaya: one of the ten Bornean datus; settled at Aklan, Sumakuel: one of the ten Bornean datus; settled at Hamtik, Paiburong: one of the ten Bornean datus; settled at Irong-Irong, Horned Presidente: a presidente of a town who yearned to have more power to control the people; he wished for horns to frighten his constituents, which instead led to the people withdrawing their support; died while still wanting to keep his power, Laon: the supreme deity; a goddess said to reside in the mountain at the neighboring island of Negros, Bulalakaw: a bird god who looks like a peacock and can cause illnesses; lives in, Bangutbanwa: ensures good harvests and an orderly universe, Mangindalon: intercedes for sick persons; punishes enemies, Soliran: one of two performers of the marriage ceremonies, Solian: one of two performers of the marriage ceremonies, Tungkung Langit: the god of the sky who brings famine, drought, storms, and floods, Lulid-Batang: the god of the earth, responsible for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, Linting Habughabug: the god of lightning, whose look kills people and who shouts in anger, Launsina: the goddess of the sun, moon, stars, and seas, and the most beloved because people seek forgiveness from her, Burigadang Pada Sinaklang Bulawan: the goddess of greed to whom people pray when they want to get rich, Saragnayan: the god of darkness who has the power to replace brightness with darkness, Lubay-lubyuk Hanginun si Mahuyuk-huyukun: the goddess of the evening breeze; cools people, especially during the summer, Suklang Malayun: the guardian of happy homes. Manila Standard. To Love and to Suffer: The Development of the Religious Congregations for Women in the Spanish Philippines, 1565-1898. All-Nations Publishing. Kayamanan: MaiPanoramas of Philippine Primeval. Blumentritt, Ferdinand (1895)., 2016. Global ICCA Database: Igmalengen sacred forests of Portulin, Mindanao, Philippines. Maribago; can break pestles with his bare hands; one of the Mactan chieftains loyally allied to Datu Mangal, Tindak-Bukid: chief of Bo. Muyco, Maria Christine M. 2008. Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines: Punlad Research House Inc. Caballero, Federico "Tuohan," Teresita "Abyaran" Caballero-Castor, and Alicia P. Magos. Page 29. WebKnown as The Centipede of Horus , he does a similar job to Khepri the Scarab, but with more legs. These perceptions of existence towards gods, goddesses, deities, and spirits in the sacred native Filipino religions, is the same way how Christians perceive the existence of their god they refer as God and the same way Muslims perceive the existence of their god they refer as Allah. Diwata Magbabaya: the supreme deity and creator of heaven and earth; Palmot: one of trusted heavenly messenger of the supreme deity; an angel, Tagma-sa-Manguabungud: the god of the woods, Tagma-sa-langit: the god who protects the sick, Jobrael: also called Jobraim; son of a human and a supernatural; stayed on earth for a thousand years, and was taken back to heaven by Palmot after he failed to raise the divine kettle provided by the supreme deity, Son of Jobrael: was to be taken back to heaven seven years after his father, Jobrael, was called back; retained his earthly status due to a seven-year plan initiated by his wife, Wife of Jobrael's Son: devised the creation of the entire buklog rituals and its instruments, resulting to her husband's permanent residence on earth, Gomotan Raja: an ancient leader who settled at the banks of Lapuyan river, Gomotan Sangira: an ancient leader who settled in Megusan, Palaganding: son of Gomotan Sangira and twin brother of Rainding; a brave and proficient swordsman, Rainding: son of Gomotan Sangira and twin brother of Palaganding; a brave and proficient swordsman, Gomeed: son of Gomotan Sangira; a brave and proficient swordsman, Bulaw: daughter of Gomotan Sangira; a brave and proficient swordswoman, Rajah Humabon: a Subanon who migrated to Cebu and became a ruler there, Manama: the supreme deity also referred as Sigalungan, meaning all seeing; created the diwatas to assist him in creation; created the earth from his fingernail scrapings, Assistants in Manama's creation: all were given katusan (precognition and power); their bodies were life fingernails, smooth and shiny and only their joints have skin, Ogassi: brother of Manama; incorporated abaca strans into the clay that would become humans, causing mankind's mortality.