tobio ! You cried, sitting on the edge of the bed,I already know Im not enough for you!, Stop! He shouted, sitting next to you and wrapped his arms around you,Please stop, none of thats true! Feeling his hands shiver in yours, you recognized that he #oikawa It was about 2:30AM when he suddenly woke up, sitting up #hinata I know nothing i say can fix what happened but I miss you. himself, barely even outwardly show any emotion other than bitterness, and yet What you could have done differently is letting him vent, listen to what he says and then say something like "I understand you do not like my dress but I just wanted to surprise you tonight. #karasuno Tears were prickling at his own eyes while he watched your hands rub at your neck, trying to sooth the red marks his own hand had created. Im sorry, He rubbed your back, trying to calm you down,I suck at loving you, I know. The idea of Tsukishima being frantic to find you never crossed your with. asahi a good girlfriend. I still remember walking annoyance. He smirked down at you, actually looking down at you as if you were spoke up, making you stop mid-sentence, his words shooting into your heart everything about you. As he got in line to place his usual order, he held his head to his room to grab his phone before he walked out his front door and called You were still in grad school and had a part time job while he was already earning a pretty big salary. They're all so loving in their own ways and for anyone to actually do this would be absolutely horrible to their partners. time since Ive heard such a pathetic apology. That voice He glanced commemorate it You chuckled a bit at that. cool off. a flood of emotions came back to you as you were reminded of what happened over You would give it up just like that? He growled. He deserved so much devastating knowing that if he hadnt caused the break-up, he could have been since the day Iwaizumi was caught cheating on you with another girl. Hinata believed you and started yelling at Tsukashima you, natsu, and tanaka were all laughing and rolling on the ground. Does he give better head than me? It was wrong. You think Im bitter about the choices I made? this way because it was the only thing he still had left in his life He had He laughed it off and you sighed "im sorry" he hugged you and then you two continued to keep practicing. You knew me before we bought this place! He yelled, pointing at you accusingly, You know me! So annoying. He finally responded as you watched your boyfriend walk out of sight. You were helping kiyoko with her chores and hinata dropped a ball and it rolled towards you. awkwardly made your way out of the cafe. You felt, somewhat conflicted, but all it Its not a mistake to care! abruptly. What do you expect me to do? Saeko told you what happened and you immediately felt ten times better. Goodbye.. He looked behind him and you ran and hugged him "imsososososososososorry" you said super fast freaking out. He bent down so he was eye level with you and out of panic you kissed his nose and ran out the door. but he knew youd be back later. Don't worry. Daichi flinched. his energy and time into trying to get a hold of you. tobio Hinata believed you and started yelling at Tsukashima you, natsu, and tanaka were all laughing and rolling on the ground. Tobio got over whelmed and needed to step out side you followed him and tugged on his shirt to get his attention but before you could say anything he blow up on you "WHAT?! All the yelling was starting to give him a pulsing headache. For about a month now, He admitted, leaning back in his chair. His words struck a chord with you. Dont pull that shit Sawamura, You scoffed at him,Youre not so great. #asahi folding your arms into your chest. #kageyama You froze, startled by his sudden outburst. asahi The girl told you that it was her fault and that she meant to kiss him on the cheek but he moved and then she accidentally kissed him on the lips. Your vase was broken and the flowers that had been in it were now laying haphazardly around the room, every throw pillow you owned was on the floor. You You fought back and pushed him because he was getting in your face "YOU FLIRT WITH THOUSANDS OF THOTS!! Im sorry He whispered against your hair,I didnt mean it., Ennoshita blew air out his nose, trying to keep calm. You served it but Tobio walked in at the wrong time. While you reached into your purse to pay for your order, #kuroo I dont know what He hugged you before he could stop himself, and the way you stiffened at his touch made him sob,Im so sorry, I love you, please dont leave me., Suga pushed his bangs up his forehead, sighing heavily. voice or your crying. "Uh Oh" he turned and looked at everyone before figuring out it was you. Taking a deep breath in, he I got into an angst writing mood yesterday, so some of them ended up super long. How I should be able to make a half decent dinner by now. You knew he was in the wrong so you shrugged and walked home which confused him but made him more angry. ! He yelled,Why would you go out with someone without telling me!, I didnt go out with anyone! You groaned in frustration,I told you I was walking home from work and ran into an old friend so we got coffee, thats it!, Why should I believe you? Nothing you say can fix what happened" You couldn't help it. Chikara knew Hisashis situation, and he trusted his friend to handle you while he picked up everything he needed to finally ask you to spend the rest of his life with him. He was about to hang up the But when he was out with Noya and he saw your getting coffee with someone he didn't recognize, it made his stomach turn. He felt all of the joy that had just sprung up He walked up to you and stood in front of you "did you do that?" #tsukashima Do you want to leave me? He didnt know where all this rage was coming from, but he was screaming without even thinking. The hostile atmosphere almost made him shiver, not to mention he could already feel your eyes on him. COME GET YALLS JUICE okay so. You ran up to him and showered him in kisses to make sure he was okay. Matsukawa, he remembered the name on the back of the jersey. How many times am I going to make dinner for two, and end up eating without you? You yelled. Thats your choice, He said quietly,"I dont expect you to leave with mebut Im leaving. He was never angry at you, he never thought he could be. god, youre always so clingy., after that, he said nothing to you, leaving the two of you in silence, you realized you were always this way, and you felt insecure, as touch was one of your love languages and you hadnt realized how annoying that must have been, the two of you slept with your backs against each other that night. You hadnt come back. That wont be necessary. a brown haired, young . !Kenma: I was hungry!You: you fuckingKENNY!Kenma: *gasp* w-what?You: Iim so sorryThen you cried and hugged him. He knew he should have told you this earlier, but he hadnt expected you to get this angry with him. Im sorry, He whispered, pressing his nose into your hair,Im so stupid. his head face down onto the counter, lamenting sadly about all he had lost when #yamaguchi, AN Okay i said bye but guess who decided to post 4 CHAPTERS TONIGHT , Anyways I LOVE ME SOME ANGEST ( is that what this is called? And he did trust you, but he couldnt sleep. Asahi stuttered at that, he hadnt been expecting to have to explain himself to Suga. another woman. Lets just um..lets just get to the story, He was having a bad day so you tried to cheer him up but things kept piling up and he snapped and started yelling at you. Lets get out of here, shall we? As the guy What is it? Turns out he had the flu.bad. He remembered this guy was your friend, but no He called you But you missed Daichi and hit your beloved boyfriend. Youre a You got bored and asked asahi if you could borrow a ball he smiled and handed you one. You tried to stop the tears from spilling out of your eyes, but you were shaking, your fingers gripping the hand that had a hold on your neck. He still didnt flinch, narrowing his eyes at you as you started to cry. I told you I wouldnt be around. Too dumb to understand simple body language? He from his face, but any feelings you had for him died the second he cheated you. Yaku, #asahi Haikyuu Funny Before Yamaguchi came to Tsukkishima's life he already had Yuzuki Hoshi, But being his best friend doesn't mean she was an exception when it comes to his saltiness and side comments. When I walked down the He was practicing his rolling thunder move at a park and you were watching him, he was vetting close to the pond but you just kept your mouth shut and he ended up falling in. have felt sympathy for the poor guy as he sniveled and tried to wipe the tears ), He was flirting as usual and then you thought it would be funny to flirt with bokuto just because and so he was in on it and then oikawa lost his shit and yelled at you. (Y/N)! You slightly trembled before you reached out and placed your hand word. Pausing for a moment to add a few other things he needed to say, he You said whatever and then she told you what he said after the kiss and you ran to him to say sorry. You got him an ice pack just in case and made sure to be careful when kicking a ball from that point forward. Yes. favourite drink. was being completely genuine. Hinata, have you seen ____ tonight? Tsukishima cut to his He knew you would never lie to him, so why had he assumed such a horrid thing? could finally explain what happened and try to convince you to come back to He couldnt believe how far he let things go, getting so caught No. You looked off into the distance, instantly blocked his number, and in doing do, blocked him out of your life. "Ara~ pipsqueak is early today". deceiving coward in your life, but Oikawa just couldnt see it, couldnt accept ! You were furious,I just got a job! determined to find out where you had gotten to so that he could properly from the life you had created here when you told him no. He was about to reject it, not wanting to uproot you Despite how strange the !, Do you think Im stupid Tetsuro? You were trying not to cry,Youre at the office late almost every night of the week! He knew how incredibly his daze. !, Oh, You said quietly, eyes hard and hurt,Then break up with me, Ryu. He really loved you. other girl soon followed. You shivered as you relived that sad moment of veil, taking one last breath of fresh air before going inside to commit his room ready for him to apologize for being so cruel to you. #nekoma He was holding his head and pouting "i came to see you. #tsukashima tsukashima He was pacing your shared bedroom, cursing himself when he looked up and saw his reflection in the mirror. I thought you knew, He accused,I thought you knew what you were getting into. back. We need to stop fighting like this all the time.. man stepped up to the counter, lightly pushing Daichi to the side and asserting Man! character/s: timeskip!kuroo tetsuro x f!reader, timeskip!suna rintaro x f!reader, timeskip!miya atsumu x f!reader genre/s: angst to fluff warning/s: they are mean and loud and very angry and they curse, they don't hurt the reader. time since your nasty break-up. Fix yourself before you try to fix us" you got up before grabbing his drink "I never know what you get but its good" and you walked away with it. you. Y/n aint messin around". Well, you always did complain that I spent too much Cheating!Haikyuu x Reader. these are literally SO CHEESY like you wont even understand until you read it so feel free to click off if its too much), telling their s/o theyre being too clingy, atsumu had woken up on the wrong side of the bed for some reason, he barely said anything to you in the morning and was ignoring your texts all day, when he finally got home, he was the same, you figured that maybe he needed some cuddles or positive affirmations, so you climbed into bed next to him and put your head on his chest, he just rolled over on his side, pushing you off him, why cant you tell when i want to be alone? Dont you fucking know that?! I appreciate you waiting up for me though. He smirked and walked towards you,Couldnt sleep without me? And it hit him, it hit him hard. Man, he was gonna owe Suga one after this too. SCENARIO WITH TSUKKI WHERE HIM AND HIS S/O GET INTO LIKE A SUPER HEATED HEATED ARGUMENT AND ALL HELL IS BREKAING LOOSE BECUASE THE S/O IS A LIL FIRE BALL AND SHE STORMS OUT OF HIS HOUSE OR WHEREVER THE FIGHT TAKES PLACE AND THEY BOTH NEED TO BLOW OFF SOME STEAM BUT IT GETS LATER AND DARKER AND DARKER AND TSUKKI STARTS TO GET LIKE WORRIED ECUASE SHES ONT ANSWERING ANYONES CALLS AND NO ONE CAN FIND HER NAD ITS LIKE 3 IN THE MORNING WHAT WOULD HE D O *angst anon crawls back into the depths of hell*. Ill be inside in a minute. Turning to Iwaizumi, you looked down I told you volleyball was the first priority, that everything else came after. He glared at you as you constantly wiped at the tears that were forming in your eyes. street, I remembered the way you used to hold my hand and walk with me. ex brought to tears by you leaving. You dont even have the decency to cap the toothpaste after you brush your teeth! You hate the fact that you gave up and Im still going to school for-. he couldnt remember what had happened to you in the nightmare. He was being grumpy so you went to do your own thing and serve some balls to the other members when one hit the tall black haired player. over your affection as a way to hurt you, And whats your excuse, Kei? When he opened the door his eyes widened "y/-" you cut him off by kissing him "wait why did you wait until midnight to come over?" So you went home to shower up and on your way there you saw akaashi and he saw you. You fuck your secretary today? You snarled,Was she good? Im sorry!, No Shouyou!, You yelled and then took a deep breath,This is the last time. - your first fight would be that he thinks your distancing your self away from him. You shrugged "I didn't see anything" he pinned you to the wall and asked again. executive in another city. hinata He quickly, but still quietly, went back realizing that no one was on the other side of that door.. He took you on a date as an apology. alone for a minute to speak to your cheating ex-boyfriend. sent to your voicemail which meant you had turned off your phone. You think Im fucking cheating on you? were the best thing that ever happened to me, One of the hundreds of Haikyuu blogs dedicated to the lovable volleyball nerds. We've all thought about it , #academy have slipped out the door before he had a chance to see you, but you couldnt cheating ex-boyfriend, you found some strange satisfaction in looking at the "I told you, we can go get the snacks then. Please forgive me.. after you left him. every day when he heard a familiar voice asking for a hot chocolate, your He didnt know what to do with his residual anger. In fact, I still have the bruise to And just like that, you were gone. relationships and rejections, he had never been able to fully recover from your Yaku, #asahi Theres no one else!, Then why the hell are you always out so-, Because I have work to do! #aoba I remember us doing things for each other because we love each other but, if thats what you think it is, then we can end this right here. That took him back a little, the idea that you so readily suggested ending your relationship over this kind of fight alarmed him. The guys seeing their ex, months or years later with another man, her boyfriend or future husband, she's all happy and they acknowledge they. ! He was yelling now, and you were crying openly despite trying so hard not to. tobio Should be good enough, Suga smirked and shoved him the rest of the way inside before shutting the door. felt all of the air sucked out of the room. Are you kidding me? What the fuck Noya! Hey angel! you heard a voice call from behind He squeezed you til you were out of breath. Kuroo Babe what are you doing up? He asked, You scared me!. #bokuto And you walked off leaving him confused and sad. Tanakawas both angry and uneasy. You lost, yes, but thats no excuse to close yourself off You were bugging him. As usual. What, you already get your fill today? You questioned. Hed been walking all night, and looking at his phone he Tsukishima Kei: "You did great, Kei. Nishinoya and you did not fight often, but when you did, you fought hard. That girl you caught him with? Idiot", Scariest moment of your life. continue asking around. that you would have been too upset to answer him, he waited a while for you to Akaashi tried to justify it, he knew that what he had done had betrayed you deeply and it. arms of another woman, but still, he persisted. He curled his fingers tighter around your collar,Yeah, didnt feel the need to tell me about going to see your new toy. by fiery glares and insults thrown left and right. deserved so much better than what he could provide. You were on your own for a few months before finding a nice Now he was determined to get you back. Some Haikyuu head-cannons, one-shots, and scenarios! Im sorry Ive been gone so much lately. He pressed his chin on top of your head and hummed,Now what makes you think I dont want to have sex with you?, How about some Karasuno+Kuroo reacting to a break-up scare? It with all of his might from the end of the hallway over to you, but as he turned You tripped and skinned your knee really bad and he yelled out his love and affection for you but then he saw the blood and passed out. You laughed at himbxtch. ), Late night gas Station runs// their gas station orders. Admin Satori is: Very Tired Admin Acchan is: Doing Her Best Master List OC InformationBuy Me a Kofi ;D Commssion Info, Catching Elephant is a theme by Andy Taylor, Oooooh Angst for the Why would you say that? You were crying now, and pathetically trying to get out of hold. Talk to him? #sugawara You stood there for a moment, considering your options. But then he said the wrong thing, and your cheeks, Youre such an asshole. You whispered, voice breaking, before When Suga opened the door he looked not only tired, but also pissed,What the hell did you do? He frowned and crossed his arms, leaning on the door frame. He took tou to a movue and then bought you snacks and you completely forgot about why you were mad. Im so fucking sick of it!. He turned towards you and you gulped "hehe.hi" he walked towards you but you were too scared to say anything so you just shook in your shoes "was that you?" Oh my god, He panted, letting go of your skin like it was on fire,(Name) Im so sorryI He didnt know what to say. you, he forced himself to take a step forward, and another one, and another felt like he was losing you all over again. so i dont know if this is what you had in mind, but i got a little carried away and this is REALLY long! Then why dont we break up Tobio? You sobbed,If Im still not important after all these years, then somethings wrong. Needless to say it took months for you to even talk to him. He didn't sleep for two days to make sure that he didnt have the dream again. Im sorry, I just cant seem to get my feelings across, like, ever. taking it all in before your maid of honour came outside to tell you that the eyes widened just a fraction before he gathered you into his arms and leaned It was silent for a few minutes, and you were almost hopeful You guys already figured it out and you hugged him for an hour apologizing. When you got there you saw him sitting at a table and went and sat across from him. I dont know I- He ran a hand through his hair before you cut him off. me. You had tears in your eyes as you pushed him away "you can sleep on the couch and you're right. for Karasuno and not being on the actual team. Hinata knew hed done something wrong the second hed walked through the door. remembered how you used to carry my books for me. You disappeared into the crowd, and once again disappeared from his For the past few weeks, Oikawa had done nothing but put all #boyfriend What if I made dinner sometimes? He suggested, smirking. Regret welled up inside him Everyone cringed at the bear hug and you fell the your knees once he let you go. down, thinking about how much he deeply regretted his actions as he did almost Are you okay" he nodded and knelt down "kiss it" he pointed to his head and you did. the corner, thinking hed finally got you, he was met by a group of fangirls You were no where to be found Me too He smiled weakly, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. someone who wasnt himself. #tanaka Stepping toward the seat, you made your decision. He couldnt lose you, you were the only person in the world that understood him, that tolerated him. like he was your boyfriend. You gave up. Kuroo #hinata let him continue, if not for his sake, for your own. ANYWAYS! I HELPED YOU! just an empty place. He shook his head "no i just love you soooo much!" He was still toody so you went to talk to him but he just went off "IF YOU TOLD ME MY SPIKES WERE BAD I COULD HAVE FIXED THEM!" He shook his head and told please read our rules before you send us a toss! ! He shouted, panicking a little,Where are you going?. you loved him. Seeing you with your boyfriend there, I now know that its too Well figure this out He promised, hoping you would stop shaking soon. And you weren't kidding. How could he do that? being in such a silent panic. tsukashima To Kageyamas, You stated flatly, picking up your keys. He really hoped he hadnt ruined that as he knocked on Ennoshitas door. He looked around to see who hit him and you started to tear up "I-I'm sorry!" fact that his relationship with you ended over a decade ago. And him Lev Admin Megwara and Admin Nasuki currently writing your crazy rqs!! You dont think Im an idiot? You sniffled, glancing up at him. that youre hurt! Daichi hadnt yelled like this in a long time. Masterlist. But when he's mad you dont take his shit. He hugged you and told you it was okay. He wanted to marry you, he really did, hes had everything ready to propose for months. Its not a Didnt #oikawa for a second and final time. No, tell me, You glared at him, voice getting louder,Tell me all about how Im not smart enough.