Since the . It is a DNA virus that contains a large number of genes as many as 500, to be precise. My generation are mindless retards who walk into oncoming traffic (husband almost hit someone the other day for this). These arent poor urban kids in some neighborhood that youll never have to walk through; these are people of every race, and from every corner of America. On top of all that, 2023 will see the arrival of aliens on Earth, according to another prediction attributed to Baba Vanga. Never, this is honestly a bunch of garbage to tell kids to spend more time outside and dont abuse drugs. I can also shoot a gun and am pretty good at archery. PLEASE WATCH UNTIL THE END. I fully agree with Jeroen on the drug subject. [174] 29 Sep 2011. Brenens guide to survive an apocalypse How many days until the Zombie apocalypse. Look at how warped their minds have become. Stop playing those idiotic video games that strengthen your thumbs and try combat and self defense. Dr. Douyon and Prof. Littlewood examined the three zombies, and found that they had not been the victims of an evil spell. its real its comming be paperd just saying, Well Im preserved for this and Im protecting family since I played zombie I have some expense for it and Im kinda like Lee from the walking dead game just a girl so is my brother, umm I dont know if zombies are real but that would be scary. My parents didnt let me sit in front of the TV all day.. Thats very dangerous for these tiny spiders.. I used to sell ranchland that a lot of preppers would buy. Two actions can be taken: 1) you can prepare so that you can survive shortages and lawlessness and 2) you can work hard to make sure America as a society can withstand the challenges we currently face. It is obvious to all educated individuals that the zombie apocalypse is a foregone conclusion (why else would there be so many awesome TV shows about it?). When people cant control their behavior, they can put themselves at risk, which means youre at risk, too. Molly was actually made for psychological use but because it became a street drug it became outlawed by the DEA in the mid 80s, we are just now getting some good research done on it again to support its use for many mental disorders including PTSD. Did you know that if you say gullible slowly it sounds like zombies? birthday calculation. They don't die and come back to life. As the dead are supposed to rise And to the doubtful, GOD is very Real. After which, there are only a few scattered bones. Take, for instance, the parasitoid wasp Glyptapanteles. Mining and drilling mean [] digging through these ancient layers for the first time in millions of years. As crazy as it sounds, there are documented medical cases that suggest some sort of zombification in humans in Haiti. The claim: Messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccines aren't real vaccines, vaccination will turn body into 'virus-making factory'. Your last bullet point is the problem. retirement. Omg thats so true and I think if it really happened as soon as I found out I would kill myself like damn why even bother ya know like if theres going to be a real zombie apocalypse why even live through that and see your own family getting eaten by zombies I personally wouldnt want to live after that. One of the best things to get your hands on is a car battery and alternator. This linguist predicted the end would occur in this year. The apocalypse maps tell of an Antichrist, the rise of Islam and other events following Judgement Day that was predicted to occur in 1651. Let me get on-topic though: you are connecting several issues here. In fact, in the animal kingdom we can find a real-life example in tropical countries like Brazil. ive been thinking about this for some years. So, let's get this straight: humankind will experience a nuclear blast powerful enough to throw our entire planet off its path around the Sunbut the thing we're supposed to worry about isEarth's orbit? Can you manage basic directions without your phone? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); From natural disasters to hacking attacks and terrorism, we face more threats to our power grid than ever before. THANK YOU!!!!! It true it happen in 2016 we most do somthing about it, My best friend took this drug and she tried to eat my leg off me and the rest of my friends are staying away from this, zombies are not real but people on drugs will act like zobies, The zombies are coming i saw one in the woods it skin was bloddy green and pasty and was moaning so i ran away i told my parents but they ddid not beileve me. if we dont start thinking for ourselves and following our own rules and work together, we are all doomed. Momofthree, Thanks for being part of the problem, I really hope you are joking. Watch for people not paying attention and make sure that if something happens youre two steps ahead. The Mayan calendar got some people worried in 2012. All rights reserved. But its even worse when you take a look at the next generation, whospendsmore than 71/2hours a day consuming digital media. People on here spell like they havent completed the 6th grade yet, Duh u humans research 1500 to 1800 s it did happend look Haitis it said its happening there South Dakota to North Dakota it happend creepy pasta talks about weired stuff 2 its around Ebola case 2012 y was that so important cause it happend in country and in ma covered up again y same reason as sept 11 2001 was covered up and aliens 2 ghosts demons cause polites and government dont want us knowing they think we to stupid to handle truth u young humans are idiots stupid foolish its u all get killed first u act like morals dont exist any more it should cause to much bs happing u nine idiots dont c it coming non fiction is reality covered up u fools movies hi tech cars drive by it self exist a I robots exist flying jets by it self exist so u c non fictional happening now everything movies said it happening fools pay attention, no jacob its not cool to survive a apoclipes plus people would kill you for food and your vheicls and do you want to know what happens bruh. Thank you for your time buti do agree about how adults should keep more in touch with there children and stop the drugs. When people arent in control of their mental faculties and therefore cant be reasoned with, theyre a huge threat to your safety and well-being, and thats why you need to be prepared. tuff,work out,practice with swords,guns. Is this what the typical redneck high school dropout believes?? Why do you think the cops will help us? I have witness drugs destroy lives over and over. They sit at home and fuck themselves on the tv and play video games 24/7. the ones that have been will always be. The citizens are no longer citizens, they are just doped, stupid people who cannot act as any citizen should. Before entering its new cocoon, though, the wasp larva first finishes its job by devouring its host. we have in brazil what is called crackoland, that is land of crack. Read these books and Max Brooks zombie survival guide, life saving. The US government, and also EU governments are following the same path, have constrained their citizens in such a way that they are no longer capable of thinking, an that is the only tool we need not only to survive in any scenario, but also to act as citizens who know our rigths and duties. Answer (1 of 9): Ok first let's define what's causing the zombie outbreak. its time we stop being sheep and start following our own minds. Doc in the box is the new way of life. Missile after missile was launched from the tank as it took down dozens of zombies. Just make sure ur prepared. Many enthusiasts dream of a zombie apocalypse and have created survival guides and even immersive experiences where you get to see if you will survive a zombie apocalypse! What is the latest research on the form of cancer Jimmy Carter has? Those who were not raptured, he said, would have to remain on Earth to wait for their doom five months later. After several unsuccessful predictions in 1994 and 1995, Camping predicted that the rapture and devastating earthquakes would occur on 21 May 2011, with God taking approximately 3% of the world's population into Heaven, and that the end of the world would occur five months later on October 21. Incidentally, because Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease can be contracted through a contaminated food supply, imagine how easily it could be weaponized with the introduction of contaminants into the food chain. This day would mark the beginning of the third woe of the Apocalypse, during which the. The fungus eventually completely takes over the ant, grows a long capsule of spores out if its head, and then rains down more fungal spores infecting other ants on the ground below. Clear the Room. Yeah theres some virus going around But there wont be a fucking Apocalypse of zombies. Anarchy is not the solution to these problems. When it comes to people on bath salts or on a bad drug trip, you need to incapacitate them as soon as possible. Columbus claimed that the world was created in 5343 BCE, and would last 7000 years. Researchers from Pennsylvania State (Penn State) University found that O. unilateralis take full control of the ants muscle fibers, forcing them to move as it wants them to. God would "destroy the churches wholesale and the church members by the millions." MDMA makes you wanna cuddle and have fun. The first weapon/ tool I'd like to show you guys is the Trucker's tool. it has always been how it is. Today, in Portugal, is transportation strike and I cannot go to work, no buses or trains, and if I would drive to work I would have pay to work, because gas here is between 1,65 to 1,85 a litre, and I live about 100Km of my work place! You die of dehydration from crapping yourself and throwing up until you're so dehydrated you drop dead," said Mogk. Here go check this, Ataxic Neurodegenerative Satiety Deficiency Syndrome, While Hollywood zombies may not be exist, there are real situations that mimic zombie attacks, from people high on drugs to people who are so preoccupied with their phones, gadgets and whats going on in reality tv that they might as well be among the undead. The final case study concerned another woman who had died at 18 but was spotted again as a zombie 13 years after this event. "It's highly . No matter how you slice it, test it, control it, fight it, people will find a way to get it and they dont care if its laced with poison. Please explain yourself. My opinion is that you imagined this, but Im not saying that it wasnt real. as if the law or government is going to help. Doing this then enables the bug to possess the cat. No its bc I its money loss for big pharma buisnesses the govt president military all owned but rothschild who r beings not humans at all vatican all the celebs r all cloned for the species that runs r planet Im 30 ive studied in everything want to know the truth check out angelic.humanity on instagram To learn a few true knowledge of who we r r hidden past covered up w false storys aka his story history wake up. The USA cannot be compared to Europe because the culture and attitudes toward drugs is different. Can you drive without your GPS system? Look guys, the government will lie to us to no end, we must band together keeping our humanity about us, to survive this new virus. "The biggest key to surviving is learning how to scavenge and forage for the things you need. And if theres something you can do to protect yourself and the ones you love, join the military. There are also degenerative brain disorders that can mimic zombie behaviors, and there is also the case of people who are so absorbed with their smartphones that they arent paying attention to anything. Its important that we stay alive as long as possible and keep our humanity. Reanimating humans, or, at least, human-like creatures, as in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein or H. P. Lovecrafts Herbert West: Reanimator, is a notion that has piqued the interest of writers, filmmakers and, of course, scientists, throughout the ages. Drugs on our streets!! Remote, off the grid, great hunting. then that would pose a problem because then the zombies would be intelligent. [1] This often takes the form of mathematical calculations, such as trying to calculate the point where it will have been 6000 years since the supposed creation of the Earth by the Abrahamic God,[2] which according to the Talmud marks the deadline for the Messiah to appear. Weinland's revised date for the return of Jesus following the failure of his 2011 prediction. Water: Store at least one gallon per person per day that you think you may be trapped during an emergency. But still you can be leave what you want. This isnt a science fiction movie; Its a reality. As to the article, I agree that people these days are turning into mindless zombies, and the drugs that are being manufactured in any random basement on the block are not helping matters. Ive been hearing about mass hysteria And destruction like on the zombie society!! #2.gather guns,silensers,ammo, and knifes,swords, and machetes. Another speaks of a 65-year-old man who had developed a belief that his organs including his brain had stopped working, and that even the house in which he lived was slowly but steadily falling apart. Pay atention to europe, who are in the edge of a multitude of nationals revolutions and the fall apart of EU. Now its time to think about how youd stay safe if faced with one of these real-life zombie situations. The second prediction of the end of the world from this preacher. Since not much is known about what happens to us when we die, the idea that corpses could somehow be reanimated is something that has always captured peoples imaginations. Watch the first five minutes of your local news tonight, and then tell me Im wrong. This prophet predicted that Judgement Day would occur this year. We have a world full of people who have literally checked out of reality. Those are magical zombies. they feed off suffering they feed off negative energy and emotions. But are there actual, real cases of zombiism in nature? The odds were definitely in my favor. But those jokes, sadly, may have a basis in reality. Do they even realize what their exposing these kids to or are they to busy on their own phones to notice? Privacy & Terms. call them by their scientific name Democratus Dependitardus.They cant speak english they cant work all they do is kill each other and suck off the system and blame someone else when one of their own gets killed. Zombie spiders. Another was a young man who had died at 18, and reemerged after another 18 years at a cockfight. Followers of Kuznetsov, 31 adults and 4 children (one 18 months old), went into a cave in Russia in November 2007 thinking they would be safe from an apocalypse occurring in the spring. While studying the phenomenon, he discovered a powder used by Voodoo practitioners that he believes is responsible for some of the cases. No offense but I dont think theres going to be a zombie apocalypse because in the bible revolations god ment that the bodys of the dead where going to be lifted up off the planet so that god could make a new world. However, the problem with zombies is they're dead. Molly does not cause anyone to want to eat each other, and does not make people into Zombies. this is all rediculous MDMA/molly and XTC are not bath salts or METH, not even close. Then, God forbid, you are sad, they then prescribe you antidepressants that it takes forever to get off of.