I dont post this to to attack you, nor defend Dave, rather to simply point out that perhaps both are not setting the best of examples? We as a couple decided to do things biblical. If you pray using KJV language (thee, though, ye, etc. We believe that the sign gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as speaking in tongues and the gift of healing, were temporary. Very few men are qualified to be pastors using your interpretation of scripture. If you believe going to the movies is a sin but not renting movies or watching them on TV, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 10. Hope you have a great day! It made me think of this, Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; Its a shame, but whattayagonnado? I received these because of lies that I was single with no income. I did read it but I still dont understand their beliefs on it.. Plus they believe that one cannot lose his salvation, Eternal Security, or Once Saved, Always Saved on the Calvinist view. You wont go in yourselves, and you dont let others enter either. Does the lord convict me when I miss? If you think that you should cut your vacation short so that you can make it back in time for Sunday morning Sunday School, but think its OK that your pastor miss a Sunday or two because hes on vacation, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 5. If you think that homosexuality is an unforgivable sin Thats not true. I forgave through the example of Jesus. I have no belief, opinion, or position of this 27. Please read this article for more information: https://baptistdeception.com/reasons-for-not-accepting-the-kjv-as-gods-preserved-word-a-response-to-pastor-james-melton/, I hope that you left your church in good terms and that they knew how you felt and whoever was wrong to be revived and allow the precense [sic] of God to bring the individual to the norm in other words what christian ought to be not what men want to be.. If you think that three church services per week is the minimum and that you must attend all three every week (Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday evenings for Bible studies which I will assume) I cant agree with this, you must attend at least one. Remember when Jesus rebuked the Pharisees? Do you know what Jesus told the Pharisees? But, all teasing aside, the author and other commentators sound very bitter and unhappy so I honestly feel badly for you. Jesus says that if you love Him, that you will keep His words.. Most people find it hard to swallow that anyone really thinks that way at all. Would the lost or questioning feel that even if someone is attacking your comments, that youre setting an example that they could adopt? I dont see how. We also teach that one must hear the Word of God, one must believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, one must repent of your sins, one must confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, one must be baptized for the remissions of sins, and one must live faithful until death. So I did. A friendly fellowship group for members of local New Testament Independent Baptist churches. I will cut to the chase: my Pastor and his wife took a much needed vacation a few years ago. Yes, see my answer to your first question. 9 Their worship of me is pointless, because their teachings are rules made by humans.. 22 And when you swear by heaven, you are swearing by the throne of God and by God, who sits on the throne. On the Arminianist view the church I go to now teaches from a biblical standpoint that salvation can still be lost. If you attend a church each Sunday with a team of men that keeps track of attendence each Sunday In our congregation, we do not do that. I dont think having two revivals a year is a bad thing as they word states we should continue to get together as believers. If your pastor begins his sermon by reading one verse than yells and pounds the pulpit for the next 30 minutes, my current pastor, at Balsam Street Christian Church, doesnt do any of the two as he doesnt use the pulpit to preach his sermons anyways. Dont throw your pearls to pigs! You dont just GO WITH THE FLOW. Christ is the o nly head of the church (Acts 13:1-4, 15:19-31, 20:28; Romans 16:1, 4; I Corinthians 3:9,16; 5:4-7,13; I Peter 5:1-4). 31. Believing that going to the movies is sinful but not renting them or watching them on TV I dont see anything wrong about going to the movies because I went to the movies years ago. The preachers who I knew as a teenager all had real degrees in theology from acredited universities. 29 What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. If you think anything other than a suit and tie for men is too casual for Sundays, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 11. There are a lot of IFB pastors out there like that, the majority of the ones I sat under were like that, they just want to see you do better. If a child is behaving like a child (i.e., appropriate for his/her age), but you think they are being misbehaving and rebellious, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 40. If your church as at least 2 Revivals per year, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. If you believe that all Catholics are going to hell, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 35. While God hates divorce, but we should help those who are divorce so they can grow spiritually. We believe that eternal life is the present possession of every believer (John 6:37-40, 10:27-30; Romans 8:1, 38-39; I Corinthians 1:4-8; I Peter 1:4-5; Jude 1, 2). If you consider it worldly and almost frightening if someone brings a different version of the Bible to church, and wonder what your Pastor would say if he knew, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. They try there best to live for Christ and to give God the glory for everything. Scofield came to know Christ AFTER all of that, so I dont hold that against him. Why would I even send a lost loved one to church instead of sharing the gospel with them for that matter? Thousands of people, including myself, beg to differ. Singing anything other than hymns is too liberal While I do favor hymns but I dont see anything wrong with contemporary music since I like a good mix of hymns and contemporary songs. If you think that the other translations are too wordly that right there I dont like. If you think that three church services per week is the minimum and that you must attend all three every week, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 9. If you laugh (snicker, sneer, roll your eyes, etc.) If you believe that God cant use a divorced man and pull out your Scofield Bible to show why, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 39. 22. Does he always heal people no. Pastor and his wife did pay for the reception, photography, and shower. Pastor and his wife knew where we lived and probably wondered why, but they never asked or pried. I would of rather take the word literally than follow the world. My birth mother is a Catholic she didnt raise me. What if it had been biting you for 5, 10, 15, or (in my case) 25 years and you managed to finally escape would you go back or send a love one to pet it? For they dont practice what they teach. 24. I already know where the IFB is coming from, I was indoctrinated in their dogma for 25 years. 1 John 1:9 To train up a child does not mean to beat him with a rod, although there BE TIMES that a spanking becomes necessary, but NEVER out of anger. Youre judgment of me by one blog post and its comments is typical IFB tactic. I do into great detail about why I believe the IFB is cultish in practice. 21. G.F.F. 51. If you read any other bible besides the Kjv bible you not sining. If you believe that the wine referred to in the Bible is nothing more than fruit of the vine (AKA grape juice), you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 26. The pastor explained forgiveness and that Jesus has already forgiven his sin on the cross and if I choose to not forgive than I am believing in my heart Jesus didnt die for his sin.. I loved him, but I hated the way he treated me. 7. Wherever there are people, there is sin. Im open to discussions what Im not open to is people telling me what God wants me to do with my time and resources. The Baptist Distinctives are easy to remember using the acronym B.A.P.T.I.S.T.S. Thanks for being thankful for the grace God has giving us. Ive used tattoos but not permanent ones. If the IFB churches are hurting the cause of Christ, would your attitude and example also hurt His cause. Like I said, forgiveness doesnt mean anything other than forgiveness. This is just another sidetrack from the gospel of of Christ.We are to love one another and build up the church. We dont think rational thought is dangerous. I only hope that you will see it before too long. This led to calls to evict Stedfast Baptist Church from its location at a strip mall in Watauga, Texas. As of 2019, the New IFB listed 32 affiliated congregations on its website, most in the U.S. with some in Australia, Canada, the Philippines and South Africa. For you say that it means nothing to swear by Gods Temple, but that it is binding to swear by the gold in the Temple. 17 Blind fools! If they are saved , I dare say they regret the day they walked into the very church you enjoy making fun of. Seeing 2 brothers in Christ debase a conversation (be it one or both parties) to snide remarks, tasteless jabs, and condescension as a form or response, makes us all look bad. The New IFB does not consider itself to be a denomination. Tattoos are the marks of the Devil I really dont know if they are marks of the devil but I do agree that tattoos are sinful even if its against the Old Testament. Hes a different man today thanks to Gods grace in our life. When you discover that female is indeed wearing the acceptable dress, skirt or koulotts youre so relieved to know that shes right with God ! If you go to a church that sings/plays Just As I Am at the end of every service, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 21. I dont know your past, but I know mine and it aint righteous. Or preferring the KJV? If you believe that perfection is something to strive for and/or attain this side of heaven,you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. Thats sweet. More than one earring per ear for women is worldly I dont agree that multiple earrings per ear for women is worldly as long its not fancy. Section 1: General This is a sovereign and democratic independent fundamental Baptist church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Ill fight against the abusive traditions and teachings of the IFB till I die. How will you escape the judgment of hell? Besides I dont understand why you shouldnt listen to Contemporary Christian music. Yes, I have countless emails and comments from people who were ready to give up on their faith until they read this site and realized that the IFB was in error not them. Its insidious and extremely toxic. No one leaves on good terms unfortunately. 40. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 50. Anyway, Im sorry that you had a bad experience at an IFB church, but that doesnt excuse you for mocking Biblical beliefs. Would you go back and pet a dog after it bit you? WebNo denomination, governmental body, or religious hierarchy may dictate the church's beliefs or practices. The pew hymnal is inspired by God While I favor hymns but I wouldnt necessarily say that because even though I do use the hymnal, most people at the church I go to now sing from the Power Point. If you had one opportunity to send a lost love one time to any church , which would it be ? If you think that secular music (i.e., anything other than old time gospel hymns) is sinful, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 19. Believing its a sin is one thing, believing its an unforgivable sin is another. Clapping after special is music is wrong because it gives praise to performers rather than to God That statement is wrong. If you think that the hymnal in the pew is inspired by God, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 23. I didnt really say you can get drunk on grape juice but if I did, I might be a little confused. Care to elaborate, provide examples? What Jesus did on the cross is for our salvation. I mean, why would you think its too liberal to sing anything other than hymns in the church because, there are some churches within the Southern Baptist Convention, which is different from the IFB, that have a contemporary music worship in one service and have traditional hymns in another service. You can read some of the experiences here: https://baptistdeception.com/testimonials/. 18 And you say that to swear by the altar is not binding, but to swear by the gifts on the altar is binding. We believe that Jesus Christ died for every man, and that each individual chooses to accept or reject the grace of God (Hebrews 2:9; I John 2:2). No denomination, governmental body, or religious hierarchy may dictate the church's beliefs or practices. And Pastor of Bible-Believing, Fundamental, Independent. Any ways God is good and can use any church to reach anyone it all depends on if you as an individual will receive his free gift of salvation, because God is that powerful. 25 What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. The Bible is inspired and preserved by God and carries His absolute authority. And if a lost person were to stumble upon this page and read your list and how you respond to any differing opinions, would you be helping plant a seed? We believe that men are justified by faith alone and are accounted righteous before God only through the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It was organized in Cicero, Illinois, U.S., in June 1930 as the successor to the American Conference of Besides saying that those who practice any of these that arent saved is wrong because that is judging. Complete Guide to Christian Denominations: Understanding the History, Beliefs, and Differences by Ron Rhodes. 35. We ARE the church my friend! Pastor preaches against smoking because it is bad for the body My preacher never preaches that though there are very few people at my current church that smoke. Back then, you had to wear your Sunday best. We should not tell who are the good and bad Christians because we should treat everyone with love just like God loves every one of us. If you think that other than suits and ties for men is too casual for Sundays While I dont believe that you must dress up for church with suits and ties, however, I do believe we should honor God in His house by dressing up. 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? as a former IFB, I read this.mmmmmm, mixing truth with deceptionI wonder the author uses, the same tactics as the serpent in the garden??? Lol. 6. The church never knew our problems but god did. I dont believe my husband was the only one hurting the relationship. Also no one can hide hypocrisy and iniquity. If you think that the title Pastor is a synonym for the Man of God or the voice of God, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. Not all churches are the same and if they are teaching Bible, they do teach about sin, and it should not be to make you feel any constraint towards the pastor to get away from that sin, but to learn to have some personal conviction that their sins need to be addressed, but THEY have to make that decision. Baptist Churches Since 1975 Are From the Ministry of a Man of Whom it Has Been Said: You are probably the most childish acting preacher Then you have churches with no standards . Members all so giving that it made me want to be a giving person. Everyone as an individual should get right with God in whatever he has commanded them. XII. Only a person who has embraced the Savior in fa Continue Reading 4 AbdulQadir Salati My husband sinned, and wanted forgiveness. Great job adding a bit of levity! 31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. Stop this shamefulness, as you hurt the ministry of our Lord. Only thing Ill add to the list is, You might be an IFB if you greet all visitors with huge smiles, handshakes, and extreme cheerfulness. I feel sorry for all the visitors we almost accosted now; no wonder some never came back! BTW, tithing isnt a Biblical teaching for NT Christians. OMG! The establishment and continuance of local churches is clearly taught and defined in te New Testa ment Scriptures (Acts 14:27; 20:17, 28-32; I Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-11). By the way Jason, if you think theres something spiritual about tolerating abuse, I feel sorry for you. Cleveland Baptist Church - Cleveland, OH - Pastor Kevin Folger ; Community Baptist The problem is assuming intent instead of asking. Stil fit. I found myself laughing at quite a few of these because they are things that I used to believe. (Genesis 2:24; Romans 7:2; 1 Corinthians 7:10; Ephesians 5:22-23), We believe that God expressly forbids intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between one man and one woman. Anderson, Fannin and Shelley traded accusations of financial wrongdoing and running a cult. There isn't much out there on the web. You can read more about that here: https://baptistdeception.com/cult/. Gods people are the Jews.. from Jew-dajudah. I have to admit its a lot less work than actually thinking through things. To be brought back to the norm of what being a Christian is all about. They will not participate, as a church, in any outside function with churches which do not also strictly base their faith and practice on the New Testament. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! I dont agree with this because there is nothing wrong with going to college. My ministry isnt to the lost, its to help heal those whove been hurt by the IFB. anything that even remotely appears to be worldly means that you arent being separate, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 44. Romans 5:8 There are those who are called to rebuke abusive religious practices. But I did want to let you know that although some ifb churches may not be the best it doesnt make us a cult. For you cross land and sea to make one convert, and then you turn that person into twice the child of hell you yourselves are! Who are the Independent Baptists, and what do they believe? I found that 10 of those apply to me and Im not even IFB. If you run into a church member at the grocery store and see that they have a bottle of wine or maybe a 6-pack of beer in their cart and you struggle over whether you should share this information with your pastor, you might be and independent fundamental Baptist! I think I find it more funny how you all think it IS funny and Im just over here secretly judging your jeans ;b, But, all teasing aside, the author and other commentators sound very bitter. If we must consider these points as a point for consideration, these ought to be a source form the Bible. I love this!! Well Pastor Wilkerson is no longer here, and welllll.as far as Im concerned will never be the same. That doesnt necessarily mean they arent a dangerous cult. For you are careful to tithe even the tiniest income from your herb gardens, but you ignore the more important aspects of the lawjustice, mercy, and faith. You should do something else with the time God has aloud you.Nonsense is not what people need to hear. Im so thankful for Gods grace on your life and the lives of your family. N/A Hypocrites! The lost in the world watch us Christians closer than we know. We believe the Blessed Hope of our Lord's return is literal, personal, visible, imminent, premillennial, and pretribulational. Its the inspired word of God. Its a Biblical principle that we are commanded to follow. If you refuse to use any other Bible version than the KJV because you think its either too worldly, sinful or less accurate,you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 4. 28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. Pastor and his wife paid for reception, photographers, and and shower. Im not responsible for how its perceived. Its NOT ABOUT US! Your happy mega churches do too. God Wasnt going to see our fornicating as bringing glory to him. We believe in the natural divisions of Scriptures as a basis for study. Seeing 2 brothers in Christ debase a conversation (be it one or both parties) to snide remarks, tasteless jabs, and condescension as a form or response, makes us all look bad. But I still think that every Christian should spend some time in an IFB church. Their testimony is great Im sure they won more people to the lord than you. The pastor pointed out (over the course of his long 2 hour sermon LOL) that a shepherd doesnt use a rod and staff to beat his sheep but to prod and guide them. Lots of people at the church stoped what they were doing to attend. [2] They are described by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as "a loose network of independent churches concentrated in the U.S. connected by their belief in certain religious doctrines and a shared brand of deeply anti-LGBTQ and antisemitic teachings." My mother doesnt wear fancy earrings. He is the Head of the church. I dont believe the IFB church I go to has ulterior motives, but I havent been to any other church to apply that to all IFB churches. Well the whole point of being an independent church is that there is no one that you are responsible to. We sought counseling to see if there was any hope. All I do is reply to comments. 4. Theres a place to rebuke abusive religious practices. You can read some of them in the comments section and in the testimonial section here: https://baptistdeception.com/testimonials/. I would have rejected the advice if in my heart If didnt want the relationship anymore, but we had a kid and I needed it to work. I dont believe they bought our loyalty, because we werent of any good investment. Since God looks at Jesus to forgive Ill look at Jesus also to forgive. operating or proceeding inconspicuously but with grave effect. Why wouldnt I stand up for something I believe in? I personally fall under Southern Missionary Baptist, and literally had questions in regards to my recent visits at an IFB church. I will have to argue that while on vacation we just go to church somewhere else rather than dashing home. Praise the lord for forgiveness. Should I choose not to forgive after Christ has already died for him? 27 What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. (HYPOCRISY) At its finest. Each church is autonomous, or self-governing, and contains all human authority for leadership within its congregation. at people who raise their hands during worship music you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 34. The two are completely unrelated. The IFB is the organization hurting His cause. The membership If you went to a church camp where mixed bathing wasnt allowed and every evening there was a 3 hour sermon, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. You obviously didnt read the entire list see number 47. And yet, they honor the Scofield Bible!!! That is the only sin that cannot be forgiven. It is the final authority on all matters of faith, practice, and polity. They act like childern, but my church loves them because Jesus loves them. So, are you happy about that, or wanting to change? 25. Many of these, yes are extreme, be we also need to not be compromising in some areas. Did I have to marry him because I forgave him? Come and join. When you finally get the blinders off let me know, we will rejoice with you. A Baptist church may choose to associate with other churches of like faith around mutual interests or ministry opportunities, but one church cannot exert authority over another. If your pastor begins his sermon by reading one verse then yells and pounds the pulpit for the next 30 minutes, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 17. What is the Southern Baptist Convention and what do Southern Baptists believe? I agree that God can use anything and anyone to reach people, but I can guarantee that the IFB has ulterior motives. If you see buses full of kids of all ethnicities and backgrounds coming to worship together, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. To love Jesus is to love his word and follow his commands because we love him. [7], The New IFB currently lists 30 affiliated congregations on their website. God Bless. I do not know if laugh or cry , almost 30 yrs involved in this , Im still a Christian , I serve in my church , Ive learned more since I left the movement , I am happier more devoted Christian than when I was manipulated to go out soulwinning , bus driving ,Sunday school teaching etc. They are usually so full of themselves, because they went straight from salvation to knowledge, and Peter says to add to your faith virtue, and THEN go to knowledge, 2 Peter 1:5. His mom, Dorothy Chrisman, was a teacher at the academy run by Fairhaven. The women that I befriended in this church will always be my sister in Christ. If your pastor preaches against smoking because it is bad for the body but is himself an obese glutton, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 25. God is the only one who can forgive mans sins. Its not an Old Testament Law vs New Testament issue. We need no other human agent or spiritual mediator. People that oppose things is due to beliefs, so I believe if you oppose the IFB church its because you dont believe what their teaching not because there bitter. I dont think it applies to all IFB churches, the ones I grew up in didnt do some of these, but the rest definitely apply. Maybe you had a bad experience or many years of bad experiences at an IFB church, but that will never excuse you from bad mouthing any of Gods people or the many IFB churches the Lord uses to spread His word or send missionaries to the remotest parts of the world to seek those who are lost. There I am separate does that mean Im never going to curse, or think negative thoughts. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man, without ceasing to be God, having been conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, in order that He might reveal God and redeem sinful men (John 1:1-2, 14; Luke 1:35; Isaiah 9:6; 7:14; Philippians 2:5-8; Galatians 4:4-5). Praise the lord for giving it to us. hypocrite. Thats not unique to the IFB. Im going back to my independent baptist church where there is no compromising. I know you scoff at my pity but there it is. Everything is about Him, He is a jealous God. Despite having overcome drug addiction, trouble controlling my drinking, and a whole lot of other issues, my church never told me to leave, never told me to come back when I was better, never scolded me. We struggled putting off our addictions, but over came them trough prayer.