Polly Gifford

Polly developed the EPS, Inc. System Strategic Planning and Roadmap process to develop tactical plans to leverage E‐rate funding more fully. The partnership between EPS and the customers allowed the districts to be leaders with the E‐Rate Modernization 2.0. EPS, Inc. leverages this technical knowledge to help districts build comprehensive programs with both capital and operational budgets for bond programs, yearly budgeting, and grants…always aligned with Erate funding and guidelines.
Ed Gifford

Additional Accreditations obtained while employed with Big 6 Accounting Firm for Mr. Gifford:
Certified Computing Professional (CCP)
Certified Data Processor (CDP)
Certified Systems Professional (CSP)
Institute for Certification of Computer Professionals (ICCP)
Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)
Information Systems Audit and Control Association, Inc. (ISACA) (Formally EDP Auditors Association)
Mr. Gifford has custom developed a ERate reporting tool that facilitates strategic planning, prioritization, tracking and reporting for EPS clients.
Mr. Gifford enjoys being with his family, traveling, golf and photography.